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2,781.3 hrs on record (760.6 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Counter-Strike Global Offensive...

What a game, it is hands down the best FPS on PC by anymeans, or so I thought. I'm feeling a little bit mixed on this game after the new recent updates/changes that were made. I'll start with the negatives and then move onto the positives.

First off, Valve killed their own game. Free to Play? For real? What purpose did that serve? Oh wait, "Battle Royale games are FTP and make a lot of money".... Then Valve, why didn't you make a new FTP game called "Counter-Strike Danger Zone" or something along those lines? By making the game free to play, the only thing that they accomplished was make more money {off of skins, etc}, and RUIN the MM awhich already was less than Superb.

*Second off, the whole "all players who owned the game before have been upgraded to prime", give me my refund and I can grind to level 21 or whatever it is, there is no point in prime existing unless ONLY paid players can use it.... (There is a small posibility that I am incorrect here and I'm sorry if so)

Third off, I saw an overwatch video on youtube that was a Team of FIVE spin botters, vs a Team of FIVE spin botters. I have never had an issue with hacking in CSGO. Take it from a former Cheater, if a game is paid to play it will greatly reduce the temptation to cheat, now it seems as if Valve has said "You know what? I think cheaters should just be able to make a new account and go right back to cheating".

I'm not the first person to complain about these issues so I'm sure that you have heard them before.

Now for the positives,

1 - It is single handedly the most skill based game I think that I may have ever played... There is a very distinct line between a s1 and a s4, and a s4 and a gn1, and so on and so forth, to a point where if ytou want to get good at the game then you are gonna need to put some effort into getting any better

2 - Along with the skill is a load of strategy, I'm not eeven going to pretend like i'm fantastic at this game. I know that i'm bad (comparatively to pros) in the grand scheme of things, but I have won games purely based on strategy. For example the other day I was playing with my friend and my MUCH younger brother, both of our team mates ended up getting banned for being AFK, so we esentially pulled a 3 on 5 Victory on Mirage just by using better strategies (Rotation locations, nades are super important, angles being held), so in a sense you almost need a good team (even a single player) with some communication to progress in the game.

3 - Wingman mode, wingman was actually what i'd consider the best addition to modern CS, now I can play a competitive style game with just my friend, GF, brother, or whoever, and we won't have to sit through a entire comp (let's be real here, sometimes a comp just keeps DRAGGING on) and if you are doing 2v2s wi9th someone you know, then good communication is almost a guaruntee

There is a lot more to write about this game, but I just figured that i'd put in my 2 cents.

All in All, it's a great game when it's great, but when it isn't it is really painful to sit through a match if you can't do anything. Sometimes Valve can see a little money hungry, and I think recently that has been what has made Valve make the most recent updates to the game.
Posted 10 January, 2019.
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