Jakob   United States
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Tällä hetkellä pelissä
1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
Useita pelikieltoja merkitty | Tietoa
2260 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Taideteosten esittely
25 4 4
Grand Theft Auto V
2 2
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 614 tuntia
Tällä hetkellä pelissä
yhteensä 247 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 10.11.
yhteensä 34 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 7.11.
Kretle 12.9. klo 8.29 
+rep crazy seven player
Mat 24.7. klo 5.43 
bro wake up, new message dropped on the 2013 topic
Sfae 16.12.2023 klo 22.00 
tomori 25.12.2022 klo 17.09 
+rep signed by me n cool n cute n dope dude
Killer Karl Evil 25.4.2021 klo 18.18 
+rep good trader and is a very caring friend who is always there through the hardest of times, is always around and knows how to make you feel better, this man is the living embodyment of friendship and is just simply amazing, god bless his soul and i sincerely hope he is recognized by the gods as the saint he is, he reminds me of a quote from the bible, "Proverbs 18:24 " One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a freind who sticks closer than a brother" this particular quote is hard hitting and emotionally correct because it really speaks out to the spiritual center of happiness, which is very important to the essential key to life we call happiness.
SlickGuardian 10.4.2020 klo 4.48