i'm the only thing i'm afraid of
View from here's no good.

Follow me down to the riverbed. Take a drink, it's good.

never forget me
Currently Offline

17:16 - #Bend4Bear: b0ss pls
17:16 - #Bend4Bear: i hab3 3pil3ps1
17:13 - Sd.Kfz NAV: 4 real?
17:16 - #Bend4Bear: lolno
17:14 - Sd.Kfz NAV: I have some gr8 vids for that

16:06 - Santa Bathhouse: ever seen the big list of porn?
16:06 - Merry Caestard: you mean your biography
16:06 - Merry Caestard: HUEUHUEUHUEUHUEUHU

11:10 AM - Профессиональный Колбасёр: i'm not wrong am i?
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: you are wrong
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: very
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: wrong
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: and I want to SUPPORT THEM
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: CAUSE I WANT MORE PORN
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: unlike you
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: I ain't freeloading my load
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: I just reread that
11:11 AM - Merry Caestard: I'm an autist

6:15 PM - Merry Caestard: no heart
6:15 PM - Merry Caestard: no soul
6:15 PM - Merry Caestard: only ♥♥♥♥♥♥

21:27 - Caestard: Be everyone else other than you

20:37 - Sd.Kfz NAV: calm down your breasts and put the cards on the table

14:35 - Caestard: Selling battle scarred immune system
14:35 - Caestard: Looking to upgrade to minimal wear

22:09 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: That choice will hurt me now
22:10 - Astrodorks 12 o'clock: sux to be you = 1
22:09 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: And I'm gonna remember it
22:09 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Trust me
22:10 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Like the time you didn't let me eat my sandvich in mann up
22:10 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Like the time you killed off my pseudo-gf
22:11 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Like the time you blocked me because I didn't respond
22:11 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Like the time you tried to answer the pager in pd2 when you had no 4 pagers
22:12 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Like the time you farted in skype

23:26 - Astrodorks 12 o'clock: at door, wat do?
23:26 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Try to just open it like normal tard
23:27 - Astrodorks 12 o'clock: Heh, nope.
23:26 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Kick it hard
23:26 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: Should've said
23:26 - SCIENCE ACCOMPLICE: !votekick door reason:Not obiding commands

20:18 - Sd.Kfz NAV: femper salamis

19:08 - WEEABOO_FRAGGER: I can picture you with a girl. dead one, though

00:41 - NAVERUNE @ TG15: #unexpectedjihadmakeswonders

12:35 - Captain Sack Jparrow: OHOHOHO
12:35 - Captain Sack Jparrow: I CAN HELP
12:35 - Nergal: yeah order me a pizza
12:35 - Nergal: with 20 dollar bills as the topping

21:18 - crazy peanut: let the farts
21:18 - crazy peanut: of hell
21:18 - crazy peanut: be with yu


20:49 - NAV, Master of Welfare: rip hitler
20:49 - NAV, Master of Welfare: 70 years since he did nothing wrong

22:54 - Very Funny Papa BeaR: The ♥♥♥♥ you scared of death for?

19:07 - COMMUNISTA 帝王:

19:56 - 10 Years a Manlet: If you could sacrifice 7 goats, 9 clowns, 3 sticks of butter and 1 Hitler to the anime gods in return for a harem of your choosing, who would you put in your harem?
19:56 - Mason.ini: Saya
19:56 - Mason.ini: Azu-nyan
19:56 - Mason.ini: Mio
19:56 - Mason.ini: and buncha others
19:56 - Mason.ini: oh
19:56 - Mason.ini: and ur mum
19:57 - 10 Years a Manlet: You...
19:57 - 10 Years a Manlet: ♥♥♥♥...
19:57 - Mason.ini: :)
19:57 - Mason.ini: :^)

20:03 - Level 4: Veteran Udyr: Ayy
20:03 - Level 4: Veteran Udyr: Have you herd teh song?
20:13 - Humanity.exe has crashed: No, sorry I was eating.
20:13 - Humanity.exe has crashed: What song?
20:14 - Level 4: Veteran Udyr: Of saya
20:14 - Humanity.exe has crashed: ♥♥♥ u
20:14 - Humanity.exe has crashed: y u do dis
20:14 - Level 4: Veteran Udyr: #Rekt

22:32 - dread.: man u r a good friend but this ♥♥♥♥ is so disgusting. please go for mlp , just lay off the anime ♥♥♥♥
22:32 - dread.: its bad for bussines
22:32 - dread.: and health

20:51 - Mayonegg: 4vek
20:51 - dread.: my eyes

14:47 - CAES'S MIDDLE-SCHOOL FLASHBACKS: My name triggers my own flashbacks

14:50 - ЦЕЗАРЬ: Hey Pazek
14:50 - ЦЕЗАРЬ: look
14:50 - ЦЕЗАРЬ: somebody has your talent
14:50 - ЦЕЗАРЬ: "for my final trick, i shall turn into a disappointment"

13:06 - Angry BeaR: Tell Caesar, he is stoopid.
13:08 - Angry BeaR: Nevermind that. Tell Yourself that you are stupid.

Pezik: Chu doin farmin hours on that again?
MASON。INI: ofc m89693465892364598234652398469234

19:55 - Descent into madness: Your sister's hot.
19:55 - Caestard: I know.
19:56 - Descent into madness: Not the reply I expected.

14:32 - Мыло: I prefer y ou with anime avatars tbh
14:32 - Мыло: JUST
14:32 - Мыло: MY
14:32 - Мыло: OPINION
14:32 - Мыло: PASSING BY

14:36 - Orbital Jimmies: >>>>spartanian piss at 300psi creating holes through armor like if it was molten copper through a romanian T-34

10:20 - Sleep is the weak: tell me some inspiring words
10:20 - Sleep is the weak: so i can finish this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ banana
10:21 - Hellblazer: eat that banana like you're eating a ♥♥♥♥

15:01 - Sleep is the weak: Give me some motivating words to get this damn China presentation finished.
15:02 - CESER: If Putin invades Europe you'll know well about the country you'll most likely be forced to move into

18:42 - 2muchtetros: wa
18:42 - 2muchtetros: YOU PLAYED
18:42 - 2muchtetros: TOKYO SCHOO LIFE?!
18:41 - FLU: :^)
18:41 - FLU: got a problem with dat?
18:42 - 2muchtetros: YE
18:42 - 2muchtetros: IT HAS NO H-SCENES
18:42 - 2muchtetros: ARE U A ♥♥♥♥♥♥ THAT WATCHES ANIME FOR PLOT OR SOMETHING?!
18:41 - FLU: just like ur life has no h-scenes
18:43 - 2muchtetros: ...
18:41 - FLU: #rekt

15:22 - CESER-O: nothing
15:22 - CESER-O: basic autism can't fix

14:23 - caja: my weed bag is empty
14:23 - caja: it isn't supposed to be empty

Chapter 4: "The Anime-ing": i must
Chapter 4: "The Anime-ing": ALLAHU ACKBAR
Chapter 4: "The Anime-ing": THERE'S AP LANE FLYING

Chapter 4: "The Anime-ing": I've failed 9/11
Chapter 4: "The Anime-ing": now Osama-senpai will never notice me..

11:16 - the lord does roids: did ya say anything after doujin?
11:16 - Chapter 6: "LORD OF THE SCRUBS": I wrote out my confession in love, obviously.
11:17 - the lord does roids: to whom?
11:17 - Chapter 6: "LORD OF THE SCRUBS": to making stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ jokes

11:50 - Angry BeaR: 12 KILLS CONFIRMED

18:40 - Caestard: Well, get your ♥♥♥♥ together
18:40 - Caestard: If everything is ♥♥♥♥
18:40 - Caestard: get it together
18:40 - Caestard: mold it into a bigger, better ♥♥♥♥.

15:43 - 2 much high: you're like a fallin star
15:43 - 2 much high: you make a wish
15:43 - 2 much high: it never happens

09:33 - Caestard#3KTF2Hours: >traffic accident involving Camel
09:33 - Caestard#3KTF2Hours: >passenger of the car died

Bozo: best pick up line
Bozo: I got is
Bozo: your face
Bozo: your ass
Bozo: what's the difference
caja: in german
caja: german pickup lines
Bozo: mein ♥♥♥♥
Bozo: dein arsch

19:23 - I came, I saw, I came again: no hot water
19:21 - Hellblazer: pee
19:21 - Hellblazer: pee is hot
19:21 - Hellblazer: shower in piss
19:21 - Hellblazer: it's cleaner than you are

10:28 - Caestard: IT MEANS
10:28 - Caestard: HOW MUCH CHEATING
10:28 - Caestard: THERE IS
10:28 - Caestard: IF THERE'S 9
10:28 - Caestard: IF THERE'S 1
10:28 - Caestard: IT'S JUST A LITTLE ANAL
10:29 - Caestard: GOT IT?!

13:07 - Caestard: I start to think that Hitler owes me a pint

13:37 - Ursine BeaR: IT WAS ALWAYS A GANG-BANG
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
12:45 - That's Caestard's feeiish: The look on their faces went from "ez"
12:45 - That's Caestard's feeiish: to "1-800-LUBEPLS" as they read it.

10:16 - MASON。INI✧: if masturbation was a crime you'd be the gang leader

17:50 ч. - DOMSbrah: Evening.
17:51 ч. - Ursine BeaR: NOU
17:51 ч. - DOMSbrah: Well, alright then.
17:51 ч. - Ursine BeaR: I'M OULD!

11:14 - i dream of a world with gainz: they might offer you a 3some
11:14 - i dream of a world with gainz: i mean in general
11:14 - i dream of a world with gainz: you virgin
11:13 - cobstord: >they both lying on the bed
11:13 - cobstord: >suddenly a fat, crazy bearded asian walks into the room with a home-made flamethrower
11:13 - cobstord: >screams allahu ackbar
11:13 - cobstord: >flamethrower blows up due to shitty contsruction
11:13 - cobstord: >Mother is proud.

22:00 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: oh wow, dad just woke up and texted me "you want some ice cream?"
22:00 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: - like if I was this prepubescent grill cutting my arteries over JB's new single
22:00 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: brb, can't resist

19:39 ч. - dread: drown in ass

20:26 - it's ok to cry: did you fuck up your hand with?
20:24 - Caessalt: basically
20:24 - Caessalt: >go upstairs
20:24 - Caessalt: >trip
20:24 - Caessalt: >land on elbow
20:25 - Caessalt: >scream "ЕБ ТВОЮ МАТЬ" AS I fall

21:00 - That's Caestard's feeiish: OH GOD NO
21:00 - That's Caestard's feeiish: NOT THE IMAGINATION

10:29 - larry is now

18:16 ч. - Hellblazer: and OH BOY
18:16 ч. - Hellblazer: PRISON IS FUCKING EPIC
18:16 ч. - Hellblazer: ROFL

20:31 ч. - The man in me: i dont know what it was
20:31 ч. - The man in me: i realised that every 2nd word i say
20:31 ч. - The man in me: is cunt fuck gay crap shit
20:31 ч. - The man in me: my shit name fuck is crap coco
20:32 ч. - The man in me: i'll wipe my ass with coins
20:32 ч. - The man in me: i perfumed my underwear today
20:32 ч. - The man in me: the front part of my dick place
20:32 ч. - The man in me: still smelled like hell on earth

20:11 - where's my bloody parrot: fucking
20:12 - where's my bloody parrot: shave your moustasche with a penny

20:08 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: cats have 9 lives
20:08 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: i have 8 million scoops
20:08 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: eat shit, jesus
20:09 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: he could walk on water
20:09 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: i can walk on creatine
20:09 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: ain't that something

11:24 - yAwn:
11:24 - yAwn:
11:24 - yAwn: And this too

14:00 ч. - Caestard: reminds me of that one time
14:00 ч. - demonstrate patience: you masturbated?
14:01 ч. - Caestard: grandfather's friend in hospital told a guy who failed to kill himself by slicing throat, he literally showed him with his fingers liek: "THIS, IS HOW YOU DO IT, YOU DO IT FROM JUAN EAR, TO ANOTHER!"
14:01 ч. - Caestard: guess what
14:01 ч. - Caestard: guy got out of hospital
14:01 ч. - Caestard: did it proper.

17:41 ч. - Papa BeaR: Has to have nipples. I will riot, otherwise.

11:24 ч. - Caestard: fucking
11:24 ч. - Caestard: got
11:24 ч. - Caestard: anime pics
11:24 ч. - Caestard: all over my screen
11:24 ч. - Caestard: literally found one
11:24 ч. - IT'S PISS: lol
11:24 ч. - Caestard: in fucking
11:25 ч. - Caestard: config folder

19:30 ч. - Papa BeaR: Papa BeaR: GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY.
Caestard: right
Caestard: need to confirm it
19:30 ч. - Papa BeaR: This is how it works.

11:39 ч. - pezik: oi, caesar
11:39 ч. - pezik: inspire me
11:40 ч. - Faggotard: getthefuckup


12:10 - Caestard: "This'll be a tough one to get out, although it's a nice knife to open up a belly. *shows cutting motion* bam! and all guts go outside"
12:10 - Caestard: all in a happy tone
12:10 - Caestard: I love my mother

12:19 - Herr Jo: Your secrets are safe with me.
12:19 - Herr Jo: And Caesar.
12:14 - Papa BeaR: Nothing's safe with Caesar.
12:14 - Papa BeaR: Even Caesar's not safe with Caesar.

09:35 ч. - Caestard: boobs < mechanic keyboard

17:07 ч. - Caestard: everyone knows you're operating solely on dicks and reflexes

16:05 - Orbital Jimmies: pianoman would break you
16:06 - franki desu~: >man
16:06 - Orbital Jimmies: >pianothing
16:06 - Orbital Jimmies: creature
16:06 - Orbital Jimmies: abomination
16:06 - Orbital Jimmies: 77% water 69% roids 10% chalk 50% kreatine + protein 3% man 8% dark matter and 666% gains
16:06 - Orbital Jimmies: thats how you make a being such as that

08:56 - Caestard: you dont even imagine how many people I allah ackbared in vietcong deathmatch
08:56 - Caestard: I dont know why I did it
08:56 - Caestard: I found it alot of fun tho

07:47 ч. - Caestard: U the type of gal to cheat with a cactus

19:59 - k0ser: hey
19:59 - k0ser: let me show you
19:59 - k0ser: a magic trick
20:01 - a fan of the fire: lol
20:01 - a fan of the fire: what is it?
20:00 - k0ser: abra
20:00 - k0ser: kadabra
20:01 - k0ser is now Offline.

14:48 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: nah, i took some complimentary pills
14:48 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: theyre 90% gone now
14:48 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: found out my medicine for acne also cures em
14:48 ч. - Orbital Jimmies: two jews in one gas

14:56 ч. - Caestard: what the fuck
14:56 ч. - Caestard: is it
14:56 ч. - Caestard: like
14:57 ч. - Caestard: 10% of awwnime posts have *actions* as their title
14:57 ч. - Caestard: *twirls hair*
14:57 ч. - Caestard: *brushes hair behind ear*
14:57 ч. - Caestard: *tries to yank dick from the ceiling fan*

18:40 ч. - /fit/ power ranger: >go to bed
18:40 ч. - /fit/ power ranger: >7 new doujins are born
18:41 ч. - Caestard: me
18:41 ч. - Caestard: >go to bed
18:41 ч. - Caestard: >7 new triggers discovered

14:24 ч. - dee: more or?
14:24 ч. - SKFFY: fk u
14:24 ч. - dee: lol
14:24 ч. - SKFFY: i wanna go back to ranked
14:24 ч. - SKFFY: there are noobs there

11:42 ч. - Caestard, supposedly birthday.: fucking game trolls me
11:42 ч. - Caestard, supposedly birthday.: my ingame name for some reason only displays as
11:42 ч. - Caestard, supposedly birthday.: "Caestard, supposedly bi"

07:39 - destroyepazek: what the fuck tags you using?!
07:39 - Caestard.: -jews gas_chamber

20:22 - pezik: your memes are weak
20:22 - Mason.ini merc?: man
20:22 - Mason.ini merc?: fite me irl

21:11 - help i meme'd: Caesar ate at three bears.
21:11 - help i meme'd: It was pancakes.
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