Paquer 🎮
GBRL   Brazil
Just a horror game enthusiast.

{ Config. do PC }

- Placa mãe: Gigabyte Z390 Gaming SLI
- Processador: Intel Core i7-9700KF
- Placa de vídeo: Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Super
- Memória RAM: Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16GB (2x8)
- Refrigeração: Water Cooler GamerStorm by DeepCool Captain 280mm RGB
- Refrigeração interna: Cooler FAN GamerStorm by DeepCool 2x140mm RGB
- Fonte: Corsair 650W 80 Plus Gold TX650
- Armazenamento 1: SSD M.2 XPG Spectrix 512GB
- Armazenamento 2: SSD Goldenfir 1TB
- Armazenamento 3: HD WD Blue 1TB
- Gabinete: DeepCool New Ark 90MC RGB

*Water Cooler e Cooler FAN já incluso no modelo do gabinete*
Kirjautunut ulos
He said:
"One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember
My father told me when I was just a child
These are the nights that never die."
Kargas 15.11. klo 7.10 
+rep super friendly
Lazius 12.10. klo 7.40 
knows how to rally the team
Thorgawyn 10.10. klo 13.23 
another one?
Tenos 9.10. klo 11.00 
+rep consistently impressive
Doulkree 24.9. klo 9.53 
good player
Gholbigda 8.8. klo 11.29