Jeb!'s Third Term 2024
Dong-suk the Juche hedgehog   Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
일심의 천만군민 정신력 폭발시켜 ヨ尸己卞ヨ工几
조선은 강성국가 진군북 울려간다 句工句几卞
나가자 백두산대국아 당중앙 부름따라 片工しし
최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로 앞으로 廾工冊己ヨし乍
Mack Gideon 18 ต.ค. @ 5: 02am 
Good evening old chum. Have you been well?
alex 17 ต.ค. @ 2: 24pm 
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
Jeb!'s Third Term 2024 31 มี.ค. @ 8: 05am 
Thanks, however that's a popular misconception Jeb! did win
alex 30 มี.ค. @ 9: 11am 
Jeb may not have won the election, but he did win my heart :pinkheart:
alex 16 ก.ย. 2023 @ 4: 09pm 
I like Earth, Wind, & Fire better
alex 1 ก.ค. 2023 @ 5: 23pm 