Jack_Ketch   Kyyiv, Ukraine
I come through bring darkness, danger, death, destruction, doom.
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Recent Activity
31 hrs on record
last played on 28 Dec
2,616 hrs on record
last played on 28 Dec
2.6 hrs on record
last played on 15 Dec
no_need_to_pretend 7 Nov @ 2:11pm 
+rep cheater
Snowman90s DROP.SKIN 15 Sep @ 9:02am 
YaM1 31 May @ 4:23pm 
-rep cheater
puta madre 19 May @ 11:35am 
Пампушка Наташа вимагає Джастіна Бібера! Віка шукає хлопця, якому вона зможе відкритись! Дівчинка-барбі та асексуал, талановитий аутист і фотомодель-ампуті, колишня черниця, що повернулася у світ, і гей, який вирішив стати гетеросексуальним. Суспільство не хоче вписувати таких людей у ​​загальноприйняті норми і тим самим позбавляє їхньої можливості бути коханим. Половинки виправлять це, знайдуть для кожного героя справді споріднену душу і влаштують побачення мрії, яке може назавжди змінити їхню долю.
no_need_to_pretend 18 May @ 3:06pm 
let me, The Great Black Cat, dot the i`s. Last guy who wrote that i`m cheater on my page is 5k premier elo playing in 4-g_ys party, three other players have 10k, 9.2k and 12,3k elo. I took my 36 kills with 2 kd in 24 (13-11) rounds and it was very easy cause they were waaaaaaaay too readable, "line-uping" in three rounds, giving me instantly the easiest 3-kills you ever can imagine (ofc missing all their shots)
All game was like that. And then they saying i have cheats. All have cheats when u r a bad player, isn't it? Catch 22 — you can't get better when thinking everyone is a cheater but you think everyone is a cheater cause ur play worse. Think about it
btw they have 2 maps — ancient and inferno — where they were close to us in this "wind rose" in premier but they left anubis instead of ancient where we have twice as much wins
small matter but anyway
if links to demo won't be deleted you can check it below if you wish
no_need_to_pretend 18 May @ 3:06pm 
demo: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-UrG4O-d7dUN-ffiOZ-JeTyp-us68F
if don't work (steam deleting demos at some point):
on youtube (with timing/in ukrainian):

Anyway who think i am a cheater — check my and my enemies play and face the fact that this is how i see you. Don't think that only cheaters can win you, it's absurd and only shows ur silliness. Have a good day