Mr Potato VII
Ethan   United States
I'm the King Spud of the VII, meaning Virtually Intensive Iris.
11月28日 に最後にプレイ
11月23日 に最後にプレイ
10月28日 に最後にプレイ
Cryp'rym 2021年7月11日 9時35分 
Hungry Burger 2020年1月18日 4時31分 
tho i doubt this is the best place to put a message, may as well try since im blocked everywhere else, look, gonna be strait up and honest, because at this point it doesn't matter any more, simply put, you need to be more mature, the reason i say this is simple, you hold a grudge way to easy, be the better man and let it go, ik it was your first proper heist but you need to be aware that what the guy was doing last night wasn't that bad, sure he failed 2 times on the first mission and once on the and, but even so, he carried through the rest without trolling yet you held him liable for everything you consider wrong, then when i try and fix the bad blood between the 2 of you, you rage and just unfriend and block i assume both of us as if that solves everything (it doesn't), all i ask from this message is that you learn where you also went wrong, tbh, i don't care that you unfriended me as i was getting bored with gta anyway, still, gl with whatever you do in the future
Tanjiodas 2019年6月15日 8時02分 
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A_Aron 2018年9月3日 18時48分 
Mr Potato VII 2017年12月21日 10時08分 
excuse me
Squilliam 2017年12月14日 23時48分 