Justin Evison   Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Muscle does not make one strong. It only masks the soul's light.
True strength lies in purity of purpose.
-Donal Alloway, cenn of Kinscaer
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Review Showcase
6 Hours played
For every ten or so big releases which disappoint, there’s a relatively small-scale title that comes along and surprises everybody by being pretty good. Arena Wars 2 fits nicely into this category. Fast paced RTS that puts you straight into the action, no mineral collecting to slow the game down. It really is a joy to play a game that hasn't been done what can seem like hundreds of times.
Review Showcase
10.2 Hours played
The Bitmap brothers bring us the sequel to 1996's real-time strategy "Z," jumping into 3D yet sticking with the same quirky sense of "robot" humor and style of game that made the original game a success.
Favorite Game
Grimfuture 27 Jun, 2014 @ 8:19pm 
Herp Derp :slash: