Anaimalai, Tamil Nadu, India
You have no idea who you're dealing with :csgoanarchist:

"Success is like being pregnant. They always say congratulations, but they don't know how many times you get fxcked."

Set launch option : -novid -high -console -tickrate 128 +fps_max 0 -threads 7 -allow_third_party_software -w 1280; -h 1024 -freq 240
En ligne
Akinogul 9 nov. à 15h38 
+rep deadly precision with AWP
LEON 15 oct. à 3h38 
MTW.INDIA RaJe$hK1NG 13 oct. à 10h28 
sign by RAJESHKING <3 :steamthis:
Diddy Party 4 oct. à 7h40 
imagine being born in india suffering from hunger as he can only eat contaminated curry bro. his mother just begged me for some clean food and i gave her a load of my ♥♥♥
Dawnmane 30 sept. à 12h08 
Game time? Let's go!
Mazius 30 sept. à 12h01 
+rep 300 iq