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張貼於:2022 年 7 月 1 日 下午 5:45

I'm buying the second installment of a competitor game. This game is just not worth it anymore.

As many others have said I love this game but after playing it for over 2 years and watching how toxic the mods have become, YES THE MODERATORS NOT THE COMMUNITY, it's just not worth it anymore. The combat became absolutely nerfed with the latest updates, completely ruining the flow of gameplay, and too many people keep using feints to compensate for how long it takes to kick of all things for now.

I used to LOVE mordhau's maps, because of the fact they made you FEEL like you were invading a small town or conquering a torn battlefield (except you, crossroads, ♥♥♥♥ you). It was honestly one of the best times that I have ever had when playing the game, but seeing the changes they did to maps, like shortening Feitoria big time and taking out more and more pieces of other maps, it all ends up just not feeling good anymore. Like the devs just don't care. Add that to the fact the developers keep adding dlc for things that should be free and keep trying to profitize off the game even more just shows how awful of a state this game is in.

You've lost another player, Triternion, I liked your game but more and more people are starting to realize what you've done to it over the years. You cannot fix perfection but you definitely can ruin it.

The mods were fun though.
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1 則留言
HyperNova 6 月 10 日 下午 6:11 
Shut the fuck up chud