Semilla L'Salle
🏞️ Uzuldaroum, Hyperborea
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!        ⠀  ⠀                ⎯  ❐ ⤬
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󠁳⁧⁧ b2k 17 Sep @ 5:10am 
󠁳⁧⁧ b2k 12 Sep @ 7:28am 
i hope you have a lovely weekend :Speech_Love:
i just posted a new picture, please rate it:Speech_Love:
also feel free to join my group
Green cardcold 11 Sep @ 4:48pm 
Green cardcold 10 Sep @ 9:30pm 
Green cardcold 9 Sep @ 8:01pm 
Furi 9 Sep @ 6:39pm 