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4 z 18 (22%) osiągnięć zdobytych:
Osiągnięcia gracza

Return the credit

Repay all credit to Rex
Odblokowano: 16 maja o 14:42

Humble Brewer

Brew 100 bottles of beer
Odblokowano: 16 maja o 14:36

Humble Beer Seller

Sell ​​beer for 100k
Odblokowano: 16 maja o 14:29


Jump onto the store from the hill
Odblokowano: 16 maja o 12:51

Beginner Brewer

Brew 500 bottles of beer

Skilled Brewer

Brew 1000 bottles of beer

Beginner Beer Seller

Sell ​​beer for 500k

Skilled Beer Seller

Sell ​​beer for 1kk

Humble Plant Seller

Sell ​​plant for 1k

Beginner Plant Seller

Sell ​​plant for 5k

Skilled Plant Seller

Sell ​​plant for 10k

Humble Fish Seller

Sell ​​fish for 10k

Beginner Fish Seller

Sell ​​fish for 50k

Skilled Fish Seller

Sell ​​fish for 100k

Humble Gambler

Win 250k total in slots

Beginner Gambler

Win 500k total in slots

Skilled Gambler

Win 1kk total in slots

Pozostało jedno ukryte osiągnięcie

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