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This game is really cute and fun, you should really get it!!!
Опубликовано 27 ноября 2024 г..
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7.9 ч. всего (4.1 ч. в момент написания)
I was very excited for this title to release and I was not disappointed! This is one of the best sonic experiences I've had in a long awhile, excluding frontiers; the base game part still feels as good as I remember it to be, but the shadow experience? That blew my expectations out of the water, shadow fans are going to be eating GOOD!
Опубликовано 22 октября 2024 г..
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52.0 ч. всего (42.8 ч. в момент написания)
So.. Sonic frontiers. I have a lot to say about this title and gonna be honest? It's a good game, but could've been better, but I feel like SEGA and sonic team tried to rush this for the holidays which isn't anything surprising since sales do better during that time period but it does hinder the overall experience.

Now let's go by one thing at a time. First, the islands/hub world. I think it's the best part of this game, the second one being my favorite out of the bunch and I REALLY wish they've done more with the islands because I can see the potential with what they have, I really think them saying this game is 'open world' is a bit misleading, I would say it's a more of a 'sandbox' kind of game. Basically think about it like how mario odyssey is, large open levels that you can explore and go collecting moons. That's how frontiers is approached, with that type of game philosophy. But now with that in mind, what they have is good, even with the weird pop ins here and there but I felt like they've could've expand it more by adding more variety than just oh here's the platforms and the rails. I wanted to so that you can BUILD the islands to traverse through, the puzzles SORT OF do that, but they only add rails and reveal the map. It would've been cool if as you progressed through the story or do the cyberspace levels, you add onto more of the map. Because you can have so much fun with the hub worlds, I had a fun time just blast through the place with what they had and hell, I felt like I was playing sonic adventure 1 with the amount of speed you can have, especially if you get it juuust right and you ZOOM towards where you want to head. It's easily my favorite part of the game

Second, the combat and enemies. I will admit, the combat is pretty repetitive and can be pretty brain dead if you want to just spam the attack button but since you actually have moves now, you can be flashy with what you wanna pull off. Sure it's sometimes a simple 'hold this or press this' and you can do the move, but it's more of the flashiness of it and seeing sonic perform these moves makes it so cool, but I do wish they could've expand on the combat more because I do see some lost potential in there, since it is pretty easy to make it out before you're even at the mid point of the game. As for the enemies? The variety is there and I do enjoy what they have, the mini bosses on the hub world are pretty entertaining and as the more fodder enemies they fit what island they're from. But where the game really shines? The titans, they are so fricking cool, just seeing super sonic handle a fricking evangelion unit while having some kickass music blasting. Easily the highlight of the bosses and does make use of the combat a lot better than the mini bosses, but they're also pretty easy for the most part. Since all of have to do is get close enough and go ham on them but I think what makes people go crazy is when you finish them off. They're so good, my personal favorite being the third island again. I won't spoil it any further, but once you see it- You'll feel like a little kid again.

The Cyberspace levels and controls; The controls are. The controls feel janky in this title, especially if you're going from generations - forces - frontiers; like for example, the boosting is tweaked so that you aren't so ridiculously fast like in generations but when you jump you basically lose all momentum, especially if you try to air boost. The air boosting got nerfed in this title, so you can't use it that much anymore and the homing attack has this delay on it so you can consistently homing attack anymore; but it does have a nice perk to it. It's called homing attack cancel, basically cancelling a homing attack to a boost and BOY DOES THAT GIVE YOU A LOT OF MOMENTUM REAL QUICK. It's a lot of fun if you get it down consistently. But then here comes the worst part of the game; the Cyberspace levels, now I get that they're supposed to be from Sonic's memories but they are so short. It has the forces problem where the level ends before it can even start, and it's no different here. I can honest to god name like only two levels that are only past the 2;30 mark but even then that's pretty short compared to what we had previously. And you feel so slow when you try to not boost since also the boost now has a meter that isn't charged by rings anymore or destroying badniks. I can get their intentions with the Cyberspace levels; bite sized tradition levels but I honest to god wish that they didn't do that and instead made it so that the levels felt like actual levels instead of it suffering like forces and ending before it begins. The only thing that carries the Cyberspace levels is the music but other than that, I can't say that I didn't enjoy the levels but there is a lot missing that makes you feel empty.

Story, VAs and Music; Now I know people have a history of hating Ian Flynn but I do think he did the characters much needed justice by actually making them characters in the story. They don't feel so one sided anymore and actually show that they DO have faults and acknowledge their mistakes. Sure some of the dialogue is a bit awkward but this game has done them much more justice than the past decade, especially sonic. Sonic's no longer a snarky guy who's constantly spouting one liners. I feel he's back to his former self with how they portray him. And I do think that the voice actors did a good job, especially Roger and Mike. It was weird at first hearing a more deeper voice of Sonic but it did fit with this setting that the game chose. And the eggman codecs? They were VERY JUICY and I feel like mike has sold it in that as well. Amy's voice actor sounds flat a lot of times but I did she did okay, Tails is on the same levels as Amy's VA but she was less awkward with voicing tails and the interactions felt much better than Amys, as for knuckles? I think he did a good job too, especially with the small interactions he has with sonic. They were very good, Sage's VA was pretty monotone but given that she's an AI and all? I think she did a great job with what she had. Now the story- Well... I can say it did more than the previous titles, like the mystery with the ancients was there and it made me think like I couldn't believe there was some EVEN before the echidnas and whatnot and I desperately wished that they've gone more in depth with it because Sage as a villain- She didn't REALLY do anything other than tell sonic he was going to fail on his quest and it shows as near the end of the game I can tell the game was just rushing for the ending. Spoilers for the ending of the game here! The twist of the main bad guy was pretty bad, like oh Sage wasn't the main one. But this MOON WAS THE BAD GUY! It was just shoe horned in and we didn't know on WHY the end was a big deal or what did they even do. Like what happened to the ancients?? Why is the end doing all of this, what's it goal? To just destroy everything? Sure you got the dialogue of it basically saying you're delaying the inevitable but that's it. The only things we can go off is the flashbacks of the anicents fighting the enemy and losing to it and becoming corrupt, but I want to know MORE about this than what we got. Massively disappointed at that and the final boss just being a shoot em up than it being a traditional final boss. But enough about that. Now time for the music- I really enjoyed the tracks they had! Too bad for most it was short due to the cyberspace levels, but at least we had the fishing and titans. God I love the titan's songs so much.

Final thoughts; This game is a 7.5/10. This game could've been great but it was rushed, now would I pay 60$ for it? Nah. Definitely get it on a sale, but I do recommend on giving this game a try. And if you like it, that's good and if ya don't? that's okay. But definitely looking forward to what sega has to offer in store in the next title.
Опубликовано 17 ноября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 17 ноября 2022 г..
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1,606.5 ч. всего (326.9 ч. в момент написания)
Really wished I've played this sooner, probably one of my top picks for one of my favorite games for this year alone!
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2021 г..
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286.0 ч. всего (121.0 ч. в момент написания)
Tales of Vesperia! I just finished the game and here are my thoughts on the game itself.

The story was really good though I felt like towards the very end it felt weird? But otherwise I enjoyed all of the story! Especially Yuri. Yuri was considered the fan favorite among the Tales of community and I can see why, he's so different than the other protagonists in the other Tales of games. I consider him to be the opposite to Asbel from Tales of Graces F since they both have the same ideas but have different methods.

The rest of the cast was really nice to be with, I considered them to be my top 3 for my favorite cast! The gameplay was ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fantastic, it's so beginner friendly but yet it's complex with it's combo and overlimit system. I feel like this is a perfect balance between old tales of and modern tales of, it's battle system is one of the best, only beaten by Graces F battle system and in my opinion Tales of Xillia 2.

My issues I had with the game was little to none honestly, I can see why so many people consider this game to be one of the best games out of the series! Though I'm gonna state my issues with the game, so spoilers ahead for people who didn't play the game!

To be honest? It would've been better if Estelle was the main lead than Yuri since more than half the game it felt like it was her story than Yuri. The ending I felt like it was rather rushed? I mean I enjoyed it and all but I felt like there could've been more. As for yeager? I wanna learn more about him since he was killed off so early in the game.

My rating for this game is a 9/10! It is a game that fully deserves it's title being one of the best games in the series and I will wholeheartly recommend this game to anyone who's new to the Tales of series!
Опубликовано 21 августа 2020 г..
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264.7 ч. всего (153.6 ч. в момент написания)
Honestly, one of the best sonic games in terms of 2d and pretty much the entire series. I would recommend this heavily to people who've played the genesis games
Опубликовано 28 июня 2019 г..
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8,859.9 ч. всего (2,157.3 ч. в момент написания)
It's pretty bad actually
Опубликовано 2 июня 2013 г.. Отредактировано 12 августа 2024 г..
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