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Publicada el 3 MAY a las 7:39 p. m.
Actualizada el 5 OCT a las 11:46 p. m.

New Review: After All is Said and Done (I had fun but was LIED TO - your wins don't matter its a rigged game, you can't lose Super Earth like in the 1st one -- they have no road map, they lied and threw Sony under the bus after Sony came to their aid within days providing servers -- this company and its CEO are bad people).

recent activity: Oct 6th, 2024 updating to play with friends or would not bother... you must have friends to play this or suffer its reality. also i hear they re-buffed the nerfed guns and fixed the enemy infinite ammo problem (this sounds promising but too late for me to care -- publishers are evil lairs).

Rating of the Game
overall game 2 out of 5 stars
fun 3.8 out of 5 stars
value 2/5 = $20 or lower
deceptive gaming practices -- lies about player involvment in campaigns -- that should mean we all get a refund because we bought a different game, a game where our wins and loses were supposed to collectively matter and the game master Joel was to guide the game, this is all smoke and mirrors.
value considering deceptive marketing = refund with payment for lost time = $70+base * (GameTime)10hr = $$ Law Suit?
DLC mostly a waste of money, read up on it, only a few weapons matter

In game purchases = too many and some things are unrealistic to grind but are stupid ultimately so just grind for these, because their is nothing else to do in game beside play it, they run the story no matter what we do it unfolds as they make it unfold. will it have a player base by games end? Who knows, maybe? Or maybe they will just fill it with bots to play as our new friends? IDK your guess is as good as mine. Sinking ship... don't buy it. Only play if you OWN IT ALREADY! OR its FREE or super super cheap. NOT A SOLO GAME !!! NOT A SOLO GAME !! Not that someone cannot but a good majority will not and cannot.

I stand by my review. While Its a Fun game (its long about an hour or two to complete a mission set), if you are seeking the most valueable resource look for the tree shaped like a phallus in the higher levels.

The game reality of Helldivers 2 is a place where things are not what they seems (question that propaganda), and now seriously apply the logic of the game to reality itself when it comes to the publishers (not Sony so much) and you begin to understand our problem with it.

But let's talk game play: Its often nerfed to the ground as they try to avoid the quick setting in of any Meta. I hear they have fixed many of the nerfed issues and reverted to better play -- finally, and have now reduced the once unlimited ammo of the opposing teams (BOTS). As such, if you own it, grind it and do not give to it. Still fun even with the problems.

Don't swet the battles -- they don't matter and are not real -- super earth and the story are automatic and not really player dependent, we're just scapegoats or ploys for charity fundraisers meant to make us forget the rest.

fa'give my bad spell... ~ Bob

yes I stand behind the fact and ask to explain I can -- "publishers are evil lairs"

Lucifer Bob
The Bob & Fae Show (Professional Gaming)
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