
Change is one of the most difficult things that we face
But change is inevitable
What worked five years ago may not work today
If you're going to be successful
You have to be willing to change
Every blessing is not supposed to be permanent
Every provision is not supposed to last forever
We should constantly evaluate our friendships
Who's speaking into your life?
Who are you depending on?
Make sure they're not dragging you down
Limiting you from blossoming
Everybody is not supposed to be in our life forever
If you don't get rid of the wrong friends
You will never meet the right friends

[KZ] liljekvist jumped 279.9555 units with a LongJump [7 Strafes | 276.917 Pre | 352 Max | Height 63.2 | 77% Sync | CrouchJump: yes | -Forward: yes]
#. Sync Gained Lost MaxSpeed AirTime
1. 100% 17.419 0.000 293.137 13%
2. 85% 18.693 0.000 311.830 20%
3. 93% 12.873 0.271 324.432 12%
4. 56% 10.122 0.000 334.555 17%
5. 75% 7.496 0.000 342.052 13%
6. 67% 9.518 0.000 351.570 16%
7. 60% 0.704 0.019 352.255 3%

*DEAD* 60fps ping unstable SRY : lilj is wh
*DEAD* 60fps ping unstable SRY : ♥♥♥♥ u ♥♥♥♥♥♥

*DEAD* bush: ur reported
*DEAD* bush: liljekvist is hacking
*DEAD* bush: he is spinbotting

AGARES‎ : no one shot awp miss