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Dig Bick Papa Smurf 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 8.9시간 (평가 당시 3.2시간)
This game is fab. with the singleplayer modes.

The campaign is really good, with a good story. I enjoyed playing through it, but a lot of the things that happen during the campaign are unrealistic. There are really convient things that happen, like when I threw a guy off his car and hit a pole. That cracked me up, but it was too unreal.

The multiplayer doesn't work for me. I can't connect online, so I have to against bots.

Exo survival, I also can't join online, but singleplayer kept me occupied.

Exo Zombies, the only game mode that let me play with others. It kept me going for hours, without getting bored, finding more, and better weapons. However, most of the time, I can't connect online to play with others.... but when I do, I play with the same people.

The overall performance is great, but the only thing that Activision needs to improve is the matchmaking.
2017년 1월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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