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1.7 timer totalt
To jest niestety walking sim (no praktycznie sto procent), a nie jak wcześniejsze Syberie, klasyczny point and click. Nie mogę przez to tej gry polecić, jest po prostu nudna jak flaki z olejem, nie cierpię symulatorów chodzenia.
Publisert 17. november.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
54.0 timer totalt (51.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
- astounding boss fights, they are super-well designed, even though at first it might seem intimidating and too hard, you'll get a hang of it. I think couple of them are harder than toughest Sekiro bosses, beware 😀
- plot is pretty cool, if you are only interested in story mode then it's still worth it!
- art style is top notch
- music is ❤️❤️❤️
- gameplay is super well designed, movements feel really smooth, controls are well designed and very responsive
- 0 bugs
- hitboxes are sometimes weird, but it's very rare situation, so no worries (can be a little bit frustrating tho, especially at the end of the super tough boss fight 😀)
- I would like to see more weapons/utilities, but given the price and given it's an AA game, I don't think that's a big disadvantage. Combat system is still fluent and gives a LOT of fun.
Publisert 31. august.
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47.4 timer totalt
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Great game, the idea is super fun. I had a lot of great time while playing with my friends. I'd like to see more content in the future, I might come back then, because after 40hrs I feel bored and just like I saw everything the game has to offer.

I also don't like the higher difficulty levels, like taking away the screens or hiding spots - it's just breaking the game mechanics and feels forced - would be cool to see something different than those simple tricks to make the game harder. It's not enjoyable and feels frustrating on higher diffc lvls. Expert (3rd or 4th level?) tho feels all right, I mean, the game is to easy sometimes but I don't want you to take away my ghosthunter tricks, it's just not fun :P

anyways, cool game, 7/10, can recommend it. still needs a lot of work tho
Publisert 10. april.
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210.4 timer totalt (63.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
TL;DR: if you have a squad it's a 10/10 game, played GTFO, DRG, or similar? go for it

I'm having tons of fun with my friends, the game is incredible. We're coop games (especially shooters) enjoyers (͡ ͡° ͜ つ ͡͡°) and Helldivers 2 is right on the spot. We've also played the first part for like 40hrs, but the change of perspective in this one is a game-changer.

When playing, I really feel like on the battleground, the chaos sometimes is just crazy, rockets flying everywhere, bugs trying to eat you and your friends sending down orbital strikes on your head :D There are dozens of mission types, and there's always something to do. I have like 60hrs and I feel like I could easily play 100-200 more, let's see. I must say that I'd like to see more enemy variety tho, would be great, can't wait for a new faction.

The gunplay and combat are some of the best I've seen in my entire gaming experience, every gun is super juicy (tho, I feel like not every weapon is balanced, some of them are waaay better than the others), running, crouching, diving, everything seems super cool. Feels like playing MGSV a little, but with a lot more chaos and kabooms.

Micro-transactions shop is actually there, but I really can't see a point in buying super-credos as you can easily collect them just by completing the missions - and to add on top of this, you'll still need 'medals' to buy stuff from premium warbonds, so you'll still have to finish tons of missions. Might as well just collect everything at a normal pace, instead of buying premium warbond with real money and then just grinding for medals - feels useless. I guess premium credits are there for premium skins or something :) anyways, the system seems really fair. Not p2w for sure.

The game runs smoothly without any problem, on full everything, on 4080 and 7800X3D.
Publisert 10. april.
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6.8 timer totalt
4/10 symulator chodzenia który udaje gre
Kompletnie nieinspirujące zagadki, dosłownie parę nieciekawych puzzli. Porównywanie tej gry z the Outer Wilds (a stąd polecenie) jest kompletnie nie na miejscu. Pretensjonalna fabuła, w dodatku opowiedziana w ostatnich 15 minutach gry, przez głowną aktorkę, bo twórcy nie potrafili opowiedzieć tej historii w bardziej angażujący sposób, czytałem wszystkie te nieciekawe notatki i listy, nuda. A polane to sosem ślamazarnego chodzenia, szlag chce trafić człowieka. Przełączniki i punkty akcji w zagadkach często bardzo od siebie oddalone, a bohaterka ledwo się porusza.

Całkiem ładne widoczki i kierunek artystyczny, chociaż trochę oklepany. Potrafi chrupać na 4080

Zaczyna się ok, później równia pochyła. czuję się jakby mi ktoś ukradł 6h.
Publisert 3. februar. Sist endret 25. oktober.
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14.5 timer totalt
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Dwa podejścia do gry, dwa razy zrezygnowałem, i to z ziomkami w coopie także generalnie +5 oceny. Totalnie niegrywalna.
Publisert 17. januar.
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5.2 timer totalt
Best served in coop
Publisert 22. november 2023.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
20.2 timer totalt
5+/10 - another medicore game developed by Bethesda

Disclaimer1: They've published so many freaking cool games, just stop being a developer :D
Disclaimer2: I actually didn't give a single shmuck about this game, but hey, I bought a new CPU and got it as a gift - "for free". I guess I can't say much more than other people did.

For me, the most important thing about it, it is that it's just plain boring. Main quest line is just another stampy be-a-hero-and-save-us thingy, and tbh that wouldn't be so bad if the other parts of the game would be better.

Exploration and environmental story telling. Remember those cool ancient scripts from Skyrim, or terminals with cools stories from Fallout? Forget about them. You can kill people with the lasers tho.

Remember every place having its own history and some small story telling around it? Nope, not here. But guess what, you can shot robots with guns. Remember at least somewhat unique locations? Yeah, you guessed right. Shoot stuff. Side quest are even more boring than a main quest line and of course dialogs are mediocore at best.

Gun play is ok I guess.

The coolest thing is building space ships, that really got me hooked up. There's a lot of great looking parts, you can paint them however you like. Man, this part of the game is really great. You can build your Milenium Falcon or Rocinante. Would be even better if the space combat would be more than "shoot stuff". It's just too simple.

Building a base is just really (I mean really) simplified Satisfactory (Ive put too many hours into this one). So, if you care about this go play Satisfcatory, or some other survivalish-like game, maybe No Mans Sky or something like that.

From the technical side, I don't really care about graphics but it feels that it's a little bit embarrassing for a AAA title to be this outdated and animations to feel this wonky.

Overall, a medicore game. Maybe it could be great for a Bethesda-style games fan, but I barely finished Fallout 4. Skyrim was cool, but still at max a good game. This one is just 5/10. Not recommended beacuse, it's not only medicore, but the price is triple-Aish.
Publisert 18. oktober 2023. Sist endret 18. oktober 2023.
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43.6 timer totalt (12.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
6/10 - okayish soulslike with cool ideas for spellcasting, not worth the full price tho

Edit, after finishing a game:
On top of what I said, I'd add really low enemy variety, gosh, I think this is the worst part of this game. Second thing is that most of the boss encounters are uninspiring, the mechanics are super simple and they are not challenging at all. I would count it as a drawback in soulslike.

On the other hand, the ranged combat + fluid combat system is really cool. It's a pitty that there are only couple of movesets for weapons, as you get one moveset per weapon type (hammers, swords, great swords etc).

Recommended anyways.

Original thoughts:

Pretty solid soulslike game. The combat system is actually really fun after you get used to it. There's a slight floating after you swing and you stick to the enemies, which adds a little bit more action to the slowe DS combat system, it's not worse, just different. Sounds are, like other people said, a little bit bland, but I still say that you can feel the power of weapons, so far I used hammer and sword. Camera lock-on can be problematic, sometimes you stick to the enemy far behind the one which is right in front of you. Also, locking on ranged enemies is sometimes a problem as well.

I really love the spellcasting system, finally playing ranged character in soulslike game is fun, you can seamlessly swap between spells, shield and weapon combos.

Boss fights are OK, a little too easy for my taste, but most of them were well designed apart from 2 bosses so far. Bad thing about being in Umbral is that the enemy variety is medicore, only couple of baddies during my 12hrs.

Enemies density in Axiom is ok, I wouldnt say that theres too many of them. In Umbral on the other hand, you're getting swarmed pretty quickly and you gotta move fast, but in my opinion that feeling is great. When you're in Umbral you really can feel overwhelmed and that's great - Umbral is just dangerous and you should get back to Axiom, because if not you'll be wrecked.

Locations are top notch designed, a lot of shortcuts, verticality etc. Umbral feels creepy and reminds you of Beksiński`s art.

So far I gathered couple of good looking armors and pretty cool weapons, so that's good too.

I didn't have any performance issues, running everything on ultra, but I have 4080 and 7800 X3D so I guess that shouldnt be an issue.

Summing up, good:
- cool spellcasting
- good, acton-like combat system, feels punchy, but not as punchy as FS games
- fast pacing of combat
- beautiful and complex locations

- medicore sounds of weapons
- camera lock-on can be wiggly
- some bosses are too simple
- not too many enemy types in Umbral
Publisert 16. oktober 2023. Sist endret 9. mai.
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0.7 timer totalt
Chiałem ją polubić, wyłowiłem ją z rekomendacji do the Outer Wilds, Tunic i podobnych. Nie do końca rozumiem, dlaczego ludzie ją polecają w tej kategorii. Ta gierka ma ten feeling odkrywania, ale niestety to feeling odkrywania jakichś bardziej złożonych mechaniik, a nie historrii i budowy świata. Gameplay core to w dodatku coś rougeliteowego, a raczej jestem antyfanem rougelieków, zwłaszcza takich z ultra ubogą historią jak ten. Grałem na Ps5 jakieś 10h, grałem tutaj dosłownie chwilę (na play była bodajże w plusie i próbowałem się przekonac po raz 2) i nie ma szans. Mechanika jest w sumie bardzo ciekawa, bardzo mi się podoba klimat zaszczucia i to, że walczymy o życie, ale gra jest po paru godzinach tak okrutnie nudna, że nie mogę się dalej przebić. Niestety dla mnie brak jakiejkolwiek narracji ją skreśla. Nie wiem, może powinienem jej dać szansę w co-op bo wtedy to by mogło inaczej wyglądać. W każdym razie, jak szukacie czegoś ala Outer Wilds i innych immersive simów, to to nie to.
Publisert 30. september 2023.
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