Washington, United States

• sens: 36.925 cm/360
• fov: 103 ow
• mouse: za13
• board: wooting 60he
• pad: hayate otsu soft-xl
Любима група
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В чата
doughy 5 апр. в 22:20 
killgores killed gores
𝐓 9 февр. в 8:58 
refused to comm in game because he was too busy "mewing"
febz 17 авг. 2023 в 11:14 
KC 26 юли 2023 в 16:02 
literal most useless teammate in this game don't play with this guy if you enjoy winning cuz he'll miss every shot
KC 26 юли 2023 в 16:01 
how the f u c k are you 5* , everyone was one shot to your berthier and you miss multiple free shots on EVERYONE. stop playing this game literally you're a s s w a t e r kid couldn't get a single kill it's embarrassing after i drop two of them and die because you're bushcamping and don't know how to play a simple game
musiq 24 юли 2023 в 5:52 
ni ma si le