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Julkaistu: 4.1.2020 klo 19.08
Muutettu 1.10.2021 klo 20.41.

This is more like an interactive story-driven novel in retro RPG style.
And yet it is a hidden gem here in Steam.

There are currently 3 main installments in the To The Moon series:
  • Episode 1: To The Moon
  • Episode 2: Finding Paradise
  • Episode X: Impostor Factory

Overall      ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ - 6/10
Music        ★★★★★★★★★★ - 10/10
Graphics   ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - 3/10
Gameplay ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ - 1/10
Story         ★★★★★★★★★★ - 10/10

Difficulty  ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (you can't lose nor is there a real challenge)

This interactive story has proven to me how important a good story and soundtrack is for the atmosphere, even if there is no real gameplay or a lack of big visuals. This is why I still give it a deserved thumbs-up.
The retro RPG style is not even a real mistake, it does work out well enough, but it cannot live up to the rest of it. I understand that the studio was able to produce everything out of one hand this way.

Though I really would have appreciated a visual concept like it was done in "Life is Strange - Season 1". Honestly, during all the act 1 I thought this whole thing is more suited for a marvelous anime. And hey, it seems that my prayers were heard, because an anime movie was anounced 2017 - thank you for this, I truelly see forward watching it :)


For those who can't wait, the game is still making you wanna cry. I warned you ;)

Some flaws I noticed:
  • no 16:9 support
  • text font while speaking is too blurred, background is very clear, doesn't match together
  • object clipping is sometimes weird
  • close up on Dr. Rosalene in act 2 is blurry like hell, redraw her like you did for River and Johnny
  • the death of the original River is skipped (author missed a good scene here)
  • clumsy controller control in act 3
Good things:
  • music is awesome
  • brilliant story idea
  • heartbreaking and touching story
  • concept excellent for doing many other storys (traces of a complete arc is noticable)

The sequel to this is "Finding Paradise". If you liked this one, you have to go for the sequel too.
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