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Személyes teljesítmények

Empty Aquarium

Feed everyone at the pier

Feast in the Clouds

Feed everyone on the rooftops

Prison Poultry

Feed everyone in the prison

Nightclub Nourishment

Feed everyone and everything at Cafe Mawson

The Silenced Saint

Feed the Saint of Six Stomachs

Bullet Hell

In Sandbox Mode, cook 1 egg and at least 10 bullets

Beer Hell

In Sandbox Mode, cook 1 egg and at least 6 beer

In and Out

In Sandbox Mode cook 1 egg, one cockroach, and one bullet

Beer and Puff

In Sandbox Mode, cook 1 puffer fish and 1 beer

Tangled Meat

In Sandbox Mode, cook 12 Sausages

Caged Roach

In Sandbox Mode cook 1 egg, 4 roaches, and 4 shot glasses

5 rejtett teljesítmény maradt

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