「indefinite PC hiatus」Igaku   Porto, Portugal
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Currently Offline
He who increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
Ever since the ZX Spectrum (Chuckie Egg :D! ~ though my actual earliest memories are from the NES: Super Mario, Megaman, Ice Climbers etc) video games have been my main hobby.
I currently play on console for the most part (mainly PlayStation), which is why I'm almost always offline nowadays (still, do feel free to message me here for anything in particular, as I frequently check Steam, even if very quickly via browser). I'm also into anime and manga (mostly anime, but I appreciate how manga can be more authentic, uncensored and at times just better drawn).

I usually keep to myself, dwelling on my thoughts. I'll rarely take any initiative to chat, but still enjoy it. So even though I'm mostly quiet and reserved I still fancy the occasional conversation, really. Lately I feel like I need to force/motivate myself into doing stuff, even if it's something I like...

I guess you could say I'm boring and lazy, but I treat others with respect, no matter their background or life choices (unless they're trolls, snobs, ragers, childish whiners or just plain idiots... I think you get the picture). I'm always looking forward for some coop gaming or chatting about some random topic, unless I'm snoozing or busy.

Used to only play with randoms in public servers, but started finding it more enjoyable to play with regulars, most of them being fun and/or unusual players that I identified with in some way or another. If you would like to play together again sometime feel free to send an invite, be it Steam or any other platforms you might be on as well :D:


"To hell with your opinion! I'll take my own path no matter what anyone else says!" (ಠ益ಠ )
"Neko no te mo karitai!" ヽ(゜ロ゜;)ノ

【best Horse Racing simulator】
Artwork Showcase
6 1
Muセhi 5 Jan, 2015 @ 1:49pm 
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edelia 23 May, 2014 @ 11:53pm 
i finally got dark souls 2
Daredevil 21 May, 2014 @ 11:16pm 
Thanks for the trade, + Rep
[UPP] Mad-Pochita 12 Mar, 2014 @ 8:22pm 
it is fred flintstone xP. i am Giovanni, leader of team rocket :D
[UPP] Mad-Pochita 12 Mar, 2014 @ 7:35pm 
are you the one and only pedro picapiedra :questionmark:
Yagoo 24 Dec, 2013 @ 10:35am 
Don't lose your way.