green tea
korv1 10 月 31 日 上午 7:17 
happy hallowen :D
suisei 8 月 28 日 下午 1:01 
sfpoibguhjdstoiubsedgh 8 月 14 日 上午 3:56 
man below me hasn't touched woman in years
Wanderer 8 月 2 日 下午 6:21 
I truly love Marisa, this isn't a joke, i love her more than anything this planet has to offer, if i ever had the opportunity to hug her tight with my arms i would ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ do it (legally), if one day she were to be flying in plane to go somewhere in the world and she were to fly above a big city in ths us id probably buy a ticket for a plane and sit next to her (not in a creepy way that would be quite unfortunate), if i ever see her in a bar im going to buy her a drink and spend the night with her and carry her home so she doesnt have to walk, and she can make it up the stairs while i take her and hang out on the balcony, if one day she ever becomes real i will bribe yuuka into letting me spend a day with Marisa and then i will profess m love to her (legally)
sfpoibguhjdstoiubsedgh 7 月 4 日 上午 3:14 
im gonna need like a month of just pure 7k because my brain is not picking it up at all lol
sfpoibguhjdstoiubsedgh 6 月 30 日 上午 6:39 
cant believe that ive been missing out on such based gamemode