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Останні рецензії користувача [RB] 'Blaster' Guardian

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
52.5 год. загалом (33.0 год на момент рецензування)
At its core, Game Dev Tycoon is a sequence-puzzle game. When I first started playing, I became a media darling, let that get to my head, and went bankrupt less than two years later. After a number of horrible restarts, I finally relized I had the goals all wrong. Sure, make a boat-load of money and be successful, but underneath all that is the one thing that drives many of us to play games with Steam Achievements: GOTTAH FIND 'EM ALL!

When you start a game, you begin with just a few variables: Topic, Genre, Platform. Take a chance, put some things in the pot, see what you get. Does your T+G+P net +++? Or is it more like a ---? Either way, you've just uncovered one of the sequences this game has to offer. Do you take the money you've just made and churn out a whole bunch of TGP clones to line your pockets? Or do you go the maverick route and try a completely different sequence?

As the game progress, more variables are added to your sequence: target Audience, game-Size, and others. Additionally, as time passes, companies will debut the very consoles that launched the gaming industry. So, now, your sequence becomes T+G+P+A+S=???

I haven't actually finished the game yet. I keep starting over because finding all the sequences is what drives me, as opposed to making booku-bucks.

The game itself is a rather simplistic take on what goes into making a game, I'm sure. You likely don't have to research "sequels" in order to learn how to make one, you just make it. I'm also a little disappointed that the PC platform isn't given as much love as the various consoles that pop up. There's no mention of when the CD-ROM drive becomes available to the PC platform; the graphic of the PC just changes to include one.

People who excel in strategy games like StarCraft and the Civilization franchise will find themselves quite at home here. For people like me, who don't, this game is still enjoyable if you remove the drive to make money. As long as you have enough to sustain yourself, just keep inputting sequence variables into the machine and see what comes out.
Додано 6 червня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 25
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14.5 год. загалом
The only reason, the ONLY reason I am giving this game a negative recommendation, is because Black Mesa is now available on Steam. Half-Life is a fantastic game, but this version of it is a sloppy port at best. Save yourself the heartache of playing this version and go buy Black Mesa. Black Mesa includes Trading Cards and Steam Achievements, which this version of Half-Life, sadly, does not.

Here's a link to Black Mesa, which is far worthier of your time:

It has since come to my attention that the final levels are still not available in Black Mesa. That was my mistake and I own that. I still dislike this version of Half-Life. If you REALLY want to experience the original Half-Life, I would say play the original game sans port.
Додано 19 травня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 6 вересня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
14.7 год. загалом
As PI Tex Murphy, a pretty college girl has hired you to discover the truth behind her father's apparent suicide. Gameplay is fascinatingly different from what we're all used to, which isn't surprising considering the game's age (this was released in 1989, I ♥♥♥♥ you not).

A combination of dialogue 'puzzles,' side-scrolling shooting galleries, room-exploration, and traveling, it's truly fascinating to see what constituted a game in the pre-dawn of the gaming industry. My father originally introduced me to these games, and while I never played them myself in their heyday, I enjoyed watching my father play them immensely. I don't believe he actually ever played this one, though.

One of the components I like most about this game is the way dialogue is used. Instead of choosing statements from a list, you actually need to TYPE your questions. You need not worry if you failed English, however: typing a single name will get you what you need regarding that subject.

Don't leave any stone unturned in the room-exploration portions. Look everywhere, move everything. Otherwise you'll miss something important. In many cases the rooms are protected by an alarm system, which you'll need to disable within a certain timeframe before you're arrested for trespassing.

The shooting galleries are simple enough if you can figure out the pattern. Just be sure to watch your health bar and your ammo count. You health bar will replenish once you've completed the scene, but it would be wise to save before attempting one.

The only gripe I have with this game is its traveling. You're supposedly traveling in your flying car in the Southern California/Nevada area of the future, but the controls are difficult to understand and you'll end up relying on autopilot anyway. Apparently there's a lot more to see and do in this game if you allow yourself to meander, but I don't recommend it unless you've mastered the driving controls.

Overall, this game is old. Duh. But I'm a nostalgic gamer. I'd rather play the original DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D, Unreal, or Half-Life as opposed to the infinite number of Battlefields, Call of Doodies, and Counter-Strikes available today with spiffy graphics and microtransactions (Team Fortress 2 is a rare exception). And you really can't get much more nostalgic than 1989.
Додано 15 травня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 184
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 106
236.0 год. загалом (23.0 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Did you play DOOM when it was released in the 90s? What about the original Half-Life or Unreal? Did you ever wonder who the heck's gonna clean up after these heroes?

The answer has finally been provided by the developers of VCD, and the answer --- is you.

There is no story. There is you. There is a mop. There is a bucket of water. You have no idea who is responsible for the carnage; you only know it's your task to clean up after it.

For such a strange idea for a game, the developers have really outdone themselves in my opinion. They have taken an idea that likely only tugs at the corner of the minds of .01% of the total FPS-gaming population and made a game out of it. They've made a game that seems incredibly boring actually fun.

As a Janitor for the Viscera Cleanup Detail company, each facility you visit must be painstakingly mopped; all the trash must be picked up; and all the body parts must be incinerated. How you complete this task is up to you, but that facility had better be spotless when your supervisors arrive, or you risk losing your job (and that's actually an Achievement).

After completing a facility, you return to your "office," and can read reports on your progress. These reports vary from employee commendations to tongue-in-cheek company newsletters, and really add to the experience. You are also able to take "trophies" with you should you so choose by placing them in the blue trunk that you take with you to each job.

People who don't enjoy ironic humor, or never played an FPS, should stay well away. But if you love watching the gibs fly on any contemporary FPS game; or even enjoyed the pixelated trips down Memory Lane of DOOM or Duke Nukem 3D; or even the bump-mapped polygons of Unreal and Half-Life, this is a must-have in your collection. You already blew the place to smithereens; didn't you mom teach you pick up after yourself?
Додано 15 січня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 73
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 10
25.6 год. загалом (22.9 год на момент рецензування)
Six years is a long wait for a sequel, but it was well worth it. In that time, Valve created their own game engine, known as Source, and with the Gravity Gun quickly became THE game to copy. Like ClassicDOOM before it, most FPS games that came after Half-Life 2 valiantly attempted to copy the in-game physics engine that allows to to catch and repel in-game props. Many of them succeeded, but Half-Life 2 was the first to do it, and gamers know where to give credit where credit is due.

Once again, you play as Gordon Freeman, mute savior of humankind. Reawakened by the G-Man from the previous game "some time later," you find that the world as you know it is no longer. The Combine have successfully invaded and subjuated humanity, and it's only a matter of time before Man becomes just another X-stamp on the Combine's evolutionary whiteboard. Unless you can rise up to the challenge of liberating your very species, that time will approach far quicker than you'd like.

One of the first FPS games to introduce drivable vehicles, adding the Gravity Gun is just icing on this cake (that's a metaphor, not a lie). Chock full of references and easter-eggs, Valve should be proud that their title has continued to successfully carry the FPS banner.
Додано 5 січня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 5 січня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
256.4 год. загалом (80.9 год на момент рецензування)
I was introduced to Sol Survivor by someone who'd read my review on Heretic and asked if I'd ever played it using the Doomsday engine. He had an extra copy that he gifted me after we spent a couple hours kicking each other's asses in some Dukematches.

This is my first "real" Tower-Defense game, and it's a great way to be introduced to the genre. Before Sol Survivor, my only glimpse into this genre were the UMS "Turret Defense" and "Pylon Defense" user-created maps for Battle.net StarCraft matches (classic, mind you, not II).

This is an old game by today's standards, but I would consider it and oldie-but-goodie. However, the multiplayer pool is quite small, so only buy if you intend to play the single-player or have friends who want to play with you. It's easy to get into, and the music is kick-ass. The graphics are also quite contemporary, and I'm rather impressed that a tower-defense game has that much love put into it. Story is somewhat nonexistent, but it's a moot point when you're watching your towers launch volley after volley of defensive flak to a kickin' soundtrack. If you buy this game based on my review, feel free to look me up! I'd love to enter a match with you.
Додано 5 січня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 5
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 7
31.0 год. загалом (2.0 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
You can flip the table. Thechat-log says you have flipped the table in a rage. THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. 10/10 Would flip the table again!
Додано 22 грудня 2014 р..
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3.4 год. загалом (1.5 год на момент рецензування)
Ohh my God, this game is absolutely flipping amazing. Buy this game if you have friends who play it (or are willing to play), as this would probably be a lonely experience single-player. In the Lobby, you can choose to be either a Monster or its potential Victim. Right now there are only three Monsters to choose from, so I hope that will change. Of the Monsters available I've played as Mary and the Lurker. Mary is your typical ghost girl, slow-moving, but get close to potential Victims and you can enter a Frenzy mode in which to attack. As the Lurker, you can activate objects within the level that will set off traps/cues if your potential victims walk near or activate the items themselves. Victims are invisible while you are in "normal mode," but you can manifest physically and hunt your victims down.

A lot of the fun of this game will likely come from playing with friends and using the voice-chat. The buddies I game with all use TeamSpeak, and whenever I played as Monster I either groaned or spoke in a sing-song voice, and my friends were screaming like young girls.

One thing I don't understand is whether a potential Victim can actually survive. There seems to be no way for potential Victims to defend themselves against Monsters, so it's down to hunting for the right keys as quickly as possible. It also seems that, once a Monster closes in, it's a one-click attack and you go from potential Victim to actual Victim.

I would request that a third-person mode be made available, because what's the point of being a Monster when you can't enjoy the look?

In all, I really got into the role of Monster and actually felt a little anxious as I ran around as a potential Victim when it was my friends' turns to hunt. This has all the qualities of a good "scary story by the campfire." It may not be a "true" horror game like the Silent Hill franchise, but it's still a pretty damn neat idea.
Додано 18 грудня 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
57.1 год. загалом (33.9 год на момент рецензування)
This game is not for people who have only played DOOM-cubed. This game is for people who played ClassicDOOM on DOS. Released during the same era of gaming, Hexen is, as the title suggests, the sequel to Heretic. I actually never played this in its heyday, so this is actually a new experience for me. I didn't understand the hub system when I was younger, so never actually touched Hexen until just recently.

In this game, instead of being just one "DOOMguy" or "Corvus/Hereticguy/FantasyDOOMguy," you can choose one of three classes: a Fighter, a Cleric, or Mage. Each have their strengths and weaknesses, and will actually use certain items/powerups in the game differently, most notably the Flechette. The demos that play if you don't create a new game are a bit misleading, as they suggest that each class has a different set of levels to playthrough. Or, they did for me anyway. I quickly figured out that is not the case, and was a little disappointed at first, but quickly got over it. Now that I'm older, I understand the Hub system better and am able to navigate through the levels easier. One thing I would stress: explore everywhere. Don't leave any portion of your maps blank if you can help it. Some important switches are hidden in easily-disregarded places, and you will find yourself stuck if you don't throw/flip them.

People looking for "new and exciting ame mechanics" will likely be very disappointed. As far as I know, this particular iteration of a hub system has not been recreated for any other (popular) FPS-type game outside the Heretic franchise. But, if you played these games and similar during their heyday, I would highly recommend getting them for a trip down Memory Lane.

(Also, the price of these games in the bundle can't be beat. Ten bucks for four games? That's $2.50 USD per game!)
Додано 6 вересня 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 32
30.0 год. загалом (18.6 год на момент рецензування)
This game is not for people who have only played DOOM-cubed. This game is for people who played ClassicDOOM on DOS. Released during the same era of gaming, rather than being stranded on Mars with only a space-pistol, you're a Heretic, cast out by your fellow man for daring to see the enemy for what they truly are. After D'Sparil's armies wipe out your town, you creep back in with only a Wand, helltbent on revenge. Like ClassicDOOM, this game originally came packed with three episodes, complete with frightening enemies, awesome weaponry, and amazing powerups. Unlike ClassicDOOM, you also had the ability to look up and down and even fly. Shadow of the Serpent Riders added two additional episodes, but as far as I can recall, no new enemies, weapons, or powerups; just new levels.

The game itself is froxen in time; the graphics have not been updated and I doubt anyone will attempt to do so. As such, it is somewhat difficult to see in the distance on the better-developed machines of today. However, this is my only gripe, and there's nothing that can really be done about it. I bought this pack for one reason and one reason only: to return to my childhood. Nostalgia. To remind myself why I got into gaming in the first place. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

People looking for "new and exiciting machanics" will be sorely disappointed. But if you remember the 90s, and ClassicDOOM, and Wolfenstein 3D, you need this in your collection.
Додано 22 червня 2014 р..
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