meow   Devon, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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3412 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Chimera 23.7.2015 klo 1.27 
''One of the players you recently reported has been banned''

P Jam 22.7.2015 klo 10.22 
tom 22.7.2015 klo 9.43 
Not sarcasm, just banter
meow 22.7.2015 klo 9.42 
ink 22.7.2015 klo 2.07 
@2.5kHoursTom not sure if being sarcastic or, no, must be being sarcastic....
tom 21.7.2015 klo 10.50 
♥♥♥♥ off you gays, he wasnt cheating. he was just so good overwatch got it wrong!