Istanbul, Turkey
Benim adım Yoshikage Kira.Ben 33 yıllar eskisiyim.(sniff) Benim evim kuzeydoğu seksiyonunun içindenim Morioh'un nerede tüm villalar ve ben değilim evli.Ben çalışıyorum olarak bir eleman Kame Yu mağazaları ve ben ev alıyorum her gün tarafından 8 PM in the en sonunda.Ben içmiyorum sigara,ve ama ben(clears throat) bazen içiyorum.Ben içindeyim yatağın tarafından 11 PM ve yatıyorum emin ben alıyorum sekiz saat verimli uykusu,hayır fark etmez ne.Sonra elde etmektenin ilik sütü ve yapıyorum bu-u (stutters) hakkında yirmi dakikaların (coughs intensely) genişletmelere önce gitmek yatak ve ben genelde etmek (awkward silence-inhales deeply) hayır problemler uyuyorum kadar sabaha sadece beğenmek bebek,ben uyanıyorum yukarı dışarıya hiç yorgunluk ya da stres içinde sabahın.Ben de söyledi buradaydı hayır sorunlarda benim son teftişimde.
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Gentlemen, these detailed descriptions, which have occupied you for so many days, are, after all, merely a report of a period of time, which will henceforth belong to the past.

I shall consider myself very happy if I have succeeded in the course of this report in expressing some truths, which are calculated to rivet the interest and attention of my nation and of future generations.

Gentlemen, I have tried to show, in these accounts, how a great people, whose national course was considered as ended, reconquered its independence; how it created a national and modern State founded on the latest results of science and technology.

The result we have attained today is the fruit of teachings which arose from centuries of suffering, and the price of streams of blood which have drenched every foot of the ground of our beloved Fatherland .

This holy treasure I lay in the hands of the youth of Turkiye.

O Turkish Youth! Your first duty is ever to preserve and defend the National independence, the Turkish Republic.

That is the only basis of your existence and your future. This basis contains your most precious treasure. In the future, too, there will be ill-will, both in the country itself and abroad, which will try to tear this treasure from you. If one day you are compelled to defend your independence and the Republic, then, in order to fulfill your duty, you will have to look beyond the possibilities and conditions in which you might find yourself. It may be that these conditions and possibilities are altogether unfavorable. It may be that the enemies who desire to destroy your independence and your Republic represent the strongest force that the earth has ever seen; that they have through craft and force, taken possession of all the fortresses and arsenals of the Fatherland; that all its armies are scattered and the country actually and completely occupied.

Assuming, in order to look still darker possibilities in the face, that those who hold the power of Government within the country have fallen into error, that they are fools or traitors, yes, even that these leading persons may identify their personal interests with the enemy's political goals, it might happen that the nation came into complete privation, into the most extreme distress; that it found itself in a condition of ruin and complete exhaustion.

Even under those circumstances, O Turkish child of future generations! It is your duty to save the independence, the Turkish Republic.

The strength that you will need for this is mighty in the noble blood which flows in your veins.

M. K. Atatürk
From "The Speech", October 20, 1927
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