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Đánh giá gần đây bởi GinsengSamurai

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Hiển thị 1-10 trong 26 mục
25 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
65.4 giờ được ghi nhận (51.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
In the roughly 40 years of video gaming experience, Into The Breach has been one of my favourite 'lunch break' games. It's easy to get into, game sessions are about 20-30 minutes each, and there are lots of in-game challenges to meet.

Basically, it's a turn-based strategy game with puzzle-like elements. You control squads of 3 mechs, each with different abilities. As you gain 'gold', you get to unlock more squads. Each mech can be upgraded with energy cores, which in turn power different passive, reactive, and active abilities that can be slotted as you gain the gear. The maps are all about the same, with some variations on what you need to do. However, be aware there are mods out there that can change the look and feel of the game content.

Yes, it can get a bit repetitive, but as I mentioned, this is a coffee/lunch break type of game. It's not Civ VI, or WH40k Space Wolves, or C&C Generals. It's not meant to be played for hours. It's meant to be played every now and then while you munch on your sandwich and sip some tea.

Overall, I give this game a solid "A" for fun factor and replayability. On a side note, my hours here don't really reflect how much I've played this, as I originally own a copy of it on Nintendo Switch and have played that for at least three dozen hours over five years, before finding it here on Steam.

Updated 20241005: there is a negative review, where the player stated power cores are obscenely rare. Talk about not knowing how to play the game without saying they don't know how to play the game! If you are not awarded power cores throughout an island level, you can buy them by spending reputation after one island is completed. I can buy 2-4 power cores per island, on top of the 1-3 I get from time pods. They are at worst, uncommon.
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 07. Sửa lần cuối vào 5 Tháng 10.
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5 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
It's free and contains useful things that would normally cost 150,000 credits.
Đăng ngày 11 Tháng 01.
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10 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
19.2 giờ được ghi nhận
I got a copy for my wife and I, since seeing some of our friends playing it in their co-op environment. I thought prior to actually playing the game, this was something I can totally get behind considering it is the type of game I enjoy in Valheim, 7 Days to Die, and Minecraft. So after the plane crash cinematic, I got to enter the game world with some enthusiasm. Initially, the ambience and the graphics were really nice. The 'mystery' element of the island intrigued me. Thus, I ventured forth...

19.2 hours later, the game has been uninstalled from both of our computers with regret for spending the $12 we spent on it. The game is utterly as boring as trying to make make-belief bread with hard cardboard during my kindergarten years, eons ago. Even one of my other friends who tried playing the game told me the game was a boring slog of a survival game. Thus, we don't understand why the Overwhelmingly Positive reviews. If Steam would allow me to grade the game, for my wife and I, The Forest is a C- at best.

In short, it's a whole whack of many different nuisances that bothered us. It's just not fun and the multiplayer saving bug is persistent. To be specific, even after auto world save and manual save, logging out and in again, will yield invisible buildings. Restarting the server 'bandages' this issue.

Now to be clear, my mini review here is subjective to our experiences obviously. However, after having played thousands of video games since the early 1980s, logically, the OP reviews doesn't reflect the experiences we've had. I am sure however, that the developers have a lot of love put into this game. This is not debatable and we're not questioning that. The Forest is simply not for us.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 12, 2023.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
953.2 giờ được ghi nhận (729.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
I give the game an overall rating of C+.

For me, it's the most enjoyable with other players. It's not a great game, nor even a good one, but it's better than other games I've played of the same/similar type. It has enough content to make it playable. I've played other games like HumanitZ, The Forest, and Project Zomboid, but those games were just not fun for me solo and co-op. 7DTD is fun co-op.

It gets boring with repetitiveness and no end-game goal. It's fun for a few dozen hours, before moving onto something else, then coming back later, wash, repeat. It's not a game I would play for hundreds of hours in one take. It's a game I would play hundreds of hours over an on-off period of months and years. Also, the developers keep experimenting with how the game behaves, by removing/replacing/adding things with every major alpha edition. It has been ten years and they are still at it. Basically, in the short of it, they're constantly fiddling with function and game mechanics, but development could have been completed years ago already.

The game is further enhanced by adding mods to it. So if the devs did something that displeased you, simply add mods or an overhaul mod to make the experience more enjoyable. My wife and I particularly enjoyed War of the Walkers overhaul mod.

Note that the game is CPU-heavy. While it obviously uses RAM and your GPU, the voxel environment utilizes your CPU more than the other components. FPS rates drop significantly in large cities, bases with a lot of electric-moving/powered parts, and of course, when lots of zombies appear. My FPS has gone as high as 114 to as low as 22.

Additional Note: Seems a lot of people believe whether a game is good or not, is based on the amount of hours someone spends in it. I don't. Whether a game is good or not, is not based on time played. It's based on whether the design, the flow, the content, the story if there is any, and everything else that make up for it, is good or not. 7DTD is not a good game based on that criteria. That doesn't mean the game is bad. It's just not good. It's an enjoyable game if played with the right people. You don't need to agree with me. I don't care. I only care that you respect my opinion, as you would expect that I respect yours.
Đăng ngày 29 Tháng 10, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 25 Tháng 08.
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4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
16.8 giờ được ghi nhận (4.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Overall grade of B+. Beautiful ambience and music. Weak on the story. Interesting game play.

Dune Spice Wars is fanfic based in Frank Herbert's Dune universe. It follows closer to the new Dune movie in 2021, than the originals. Has primarily foot soldiers and flying craft. There are no tanks and quads. House Ordos is a Westwood thing. Don't expect it to ever be included in DSW.


+ The game has a Conquest mode, which is a campaign, but has next to no story-telling.

+ Interesting and unique strategic dynamics for troop composition. Has simplified politics in the way of voting for policies.

+ Has a series of tutorial missions to help new players get a feel for the interface and systems.

+ Wish there was a setting to pause the game, and allow music to continue playing for a beautiful screen saver of sorts. The music and visuals definitely inspire me to think it's definitely Dune.


- Computer AI seem to 'cheat', creating units on the fly.

- Saved games sometimes are 'lost' in the load menu, even though they digitally exist in the directory.

- Not clear how the stock market works and why it matters.

- Doesn't give you enough warning for the Spice fee. Gets progressively harder to fulfil Spice fee.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 09, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 22 Tháng 11, 2023.
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29 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
1,405.3 giờ được ghi nhận (434.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Match-making sucks. It's free-for-all once you stop playing with bots and play with humans. It doesn't matter how long you've played. Once you start playing with humans, then you'll pair up with everyone under the sun. Also, people with real money to spend, will always have an advantage over those that don't, on the notion that the players are all similar in skill and talent. At the end of the day, no amount of gold ammo or real money will save you from being a terrible player.

Why the positive review? Because when you stop crying and start learning, then you'll start understanding the game mechanics. When you do, then ultimately, you will play better, which in turn means you and people like you, will make the battles easier to finish, win or lose. Every lost is a learning session. Every win is to help you see how you could have lost.

When you understand the mechanics, the game is fun. When you're on a losing streak of 4-5 games, quit, and take a break from WoT for a few hours, then go back to it again. Sometimes, losing streaks affect how we normally play and usually it makes us more impatient, as well as more aggressive, which are all components of a bad battle.

Now, the long version...

1. If you're a crappy player, the game is Pay-To-Win. If you're a decent player, then the game is Pay-To-Grind-Less. Those are basically the two perspectives.

I've won more games playing tech tree tanks than I do with premium tanks. My best tech tree tanks are the StuG IIIG (tier 5 TD), VK100.01P (tier 8 heavy), Matilda (tier 4 medium), and the Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger (tier 8 TD). If you're a whale, then you can buy whatever you want and you will have an advantage over those that don't. However, if you suck at the game and you buy every tank, gold ammo, crew skill boost, and equipment, you will still suck at the end of the day. I've seen premium tank players do really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way more often than tech-tree players. I've also destroyed multiple premium tanks with my tech-tree tanks using next to no gold ammo. I will say I am a decent player with only 1,000 hours total game time as of this review.

2. True Match-Making Random Number Generator Nightmare

This is NOT beginner friendly. It took me a good 600-700 battles to finally realize my mistakes. Right off the bat, once you stop playing against primarily robots, you will immediately match up with anyone with any experience. One battle, you could match up with a few newbies, but then the next three battles are full of players with tens of thousands of battles. Also, note as a forum moderator has pointed out, as a newbie, you don't play against other newbies. Everyone plays with everyone, regardless of their experience and rank.

3. Can only exclude up to three maps per account

I have a 1 MoE German Tier 7 SPG. City battles are the worst. Yet, city battles are fun as heavy and medium tanks. If only I can exclude maps per tank.

You can exclude 1 map as a free player, 2 maps as a premium player, and 3 maps, if you're a premium player, as well as a WoT+ subscriber.

4. Lots of variety in maps

So there are many ways to learn and improve. However, even though there are 44 maps for random battles, they can get old after a few hundred battles.

5. Game Modes every now and then

There are other game modes such as Onslaught tier 10s, Frontlines tier 8s, and other special events where one player is a boss tank and a group of other players are regular sci-fit-type tanks. Interesting game play, but maps are super limited.

6. Clans are your best friend

Playing with friends or friendly people, is much better than playing with randoms. I find in the North America server, there are a lot of angry toxic players. They make up about 10-15% of all of your experiences. The South America server, players are generally a lot friendlier and wholesome. When you see the occasional angry player in the SA server, you know they likely came from the NA server. The EU servers are hardcore. They have about 10-18 times more players at any given day, and players play much better generally than the NA and SA servers.

7. Wargaming is super tone deaf when it comes to player feedback. They have been exactly the same way for over 10 years. They will never change.

I played WoT super briefly 11 years ago with some buddies from my Stronghold Kingdom days. They are tankfest fanatics. A shoutout to Noogman and Maddog! ;) I played WoT back then for about 300 battles over 2 months, then quit. It was an okay game, but not my cup of tea back then.

Somehow, back in April 2023, I had a strong desire to try another MMO or lobby shooter other than Destiny 2, which I loved for awhile. So while I tried my best not to pick up WoT, in May 2023, I finally installed it.

Yes, the game has changed since 10+ years ago, but since I barely played it back then, I don't even remember much from it. However, while playing for the last few months, I realize after reading all of the feedback from forums, from streamers like QB, Skill, LoewenKingGaming, and Dakillzor, WG hasn't listened to any important feedback from players since the dawn of its founding. Basically, they say they listen to feedback from surveys, but it also seem like they railroad player questions in those surveys to suit their echo chamber.

In short, WG is making a LOT of money and while there are certainly train-tonnes of complaints, WG will never see their game as a problem. They see it as a 'you-problem'. I hate match-making in WoT, many of us do. How does WG translate that? "We will lose the few ♥♥♥♥♥♥ players and maintain the whales that feed us." I said the quiet part out loud for them.


If you're like me, who isn't hardcore focused on one game at a time, have a life outside of virtual reality, and desire a pew pew game that works to some degree, then yes, do it. It can be pretty fun, even when I'm losing. I play about 15 minutes to an hour daily. On some days, I play for two hours with my wife.

If you're super impatient, very focused on one or a tiny handful of games forever, and prefer to invest your life into something that will help you pass time more to your liking with as less stress as possible, then definitely go play something else. This is especially true, if you're in a high stress lifestyle.
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 09, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 18 Tháng 05.
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0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
What isn't there to like? It's FOR THE EMPERAH! Plus, I stick out like a sore thumb on the battlefield. Only the forces of Chaos would dislike this Boon of Sanguinius.
Đăng ngày 5 Tháng 06, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 5 Tháng 06, 2023.
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2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
9.7 giờ được ghi nhận

Fun, cute, and casual. Very easy to get into. It's an unique game of its kind when it was first released. A lot of games mimicked its style and perspective thereafter. You can set the background and lines from white, black, and sepia, with the ability to further set the brightness. Would have been cool to be able to set different colours. Basically, the bottom bar show you all of the items that need to be found. If you click on an item on the bar, it will give you a short hint as to where it might be.

It's not a game for everyone. While Amber (ThornyLunacy) in the video thought the game was cute and had an unique perspective, she ultimately did not enjoy it as much as I did. Mind you, I primarily play this during breaks, rather than treat it as a 'main game'.
Đăng ngày 14 Tháng 04, 2023.
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95 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
16 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
Just bought 3 months of ESO Plus for myself and 1 month for my wife.

It's hilarious people have such a hard time cancelling the subscription. I mean literally, go to help.elderscrollsonline.com and search for: "eso steam cancel sub". Alternatively, just click "Steam" at the top menu, then "Settings", then in the Account window, click "View Account Details". From there, click on "Manage Subscriptions", and click "Edit" next to the subscription.

An extra bit: after you unsubscribe from your Steam account, log into your ESO account at their website, and make sure it's cancelled there too.

As for the sub itself, it's pretty run-of-the-mill expectations. You get a separate bag for your materials, some crowns right off the bat, and 10% increase in gold and exp, and some other goodies. Also, apparently, they started selling your data to a third party. So what? I've been using the internet since 1996. It's nothing new. It's just that, some companies word it in a way that make it sound like they're doing it differently, or 'not doing it at all'. Yeah right. Let's get real. The moment you sign that agreement to use the internet, is the moment you sell yourself away. Don't like it? Then don't use the internet. ;)

PS: I've been playing ESO since Beta before it was on Steam. I've subscribed to the game on and off since 2014. I have never been charged after cancelling my subscription whether I got the sub from the ESO site directly, or through Steam. So I don't know what all the naysayers are whining about. Perhaps learn to cancel your subs properly, before blaming ESO/Steam for your own incompetence? ;)

Also, $18/month is almost a third of my hourly wage. If you're whining about $18 a month, perhaps you should go back to playing Hop Scotch and Marbles. The cost of chalk and glass balls are about a dollar per bag. It's crazy people blame the ESO MMO for having an optional sub, as if these cry babies were forced at gun point to sub to it. My goth, how pitiful.
Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 11, 2021. Sửa lần cuối vào 6 Tháng 03.
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5 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
10.0 giờ được ghi nhận (1.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)

Steam is full of sub-par match 3 games, many of which try to sell you on the naughty ecchi images or an enormous amount of unnecessary features creating massive clutter. Fortunately, in my never ending quest for something I can play while on my breaks with one hand holding a sandwich, and my other on the mouse, I have found FishWitch Halloween.

When you play the first level, you might notice that it resembles a bit like Clover Tales by Five BN Games. However, unlike Clover Tales, FishWitch Halloween doesn't market itself as 'free to play' and then nickle and dime you with the in-game monetization required to unlock packages of crystals that is an in-game currency to recharge certain abilities, as well as play games without having to wait for the energy bar to recharge itself over real-time. Nope, FishWitch Halloween does it right by just charging you a nominal one-time price, as it should, and then let you play the game to gain gold, which in turn is used to unlock ornaments, which also give you crystals that are used to recharge your abilities.

- Visuals are 'just right'. They are crisp and colourful, but not overbearing.
- The levels and puzzles are well designed and are not overly frustrating.
- The UI is simple and not cluttered.
- Tutorial and in-game help is useful.
- Definitely a game I can play 15 to 30 minutes at a time. Great for work breaks.
- Good background music that isn't overbearing.

- None really. Perhaps the lack of different modes.
- The background music is randomly played. So you may listen to the same one three times in a row. My original review stated there was only one background song, but I realized there are actually more after playing over two dozen levels.

- Definitely needs a game mode that allows players to play forever, until there are no more moves left, or not enough time left.

Ultimately, FishWitch Halloween deserves two thumbs up. It's fun and easy on the eyes.
Đăng ngày 28 Tháng 10, 2021. Sửa lần cuối vào 28 Tháng 10, 2021.
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Hiển thị 1-10 trong 26 mục