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1,369.6 Std. insgesamt (562.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I thought I'd write a review of this game since there seems to be a hell of alot of negative reviews about it, so I I'd try and share my experience of it so far.

I started pretty late on, and as such had no idea what was going on. I'd never played any MMO game before as my laptop specs are retro to say the least. The tutorial was quite useful, letting you know the bare minimum to get your village started. The rewards and quests are nice, it breaks up the gameplay. I realise this was a recent addition, so I'm not sure if I'd stuck with it without the game giving regular feedback to tell me I was doing something right.

I'm also puzzled at how people are giving negative reviews to a game that they spent two THOUSAND hours on. Some people spend less time with girl/boyfriends in their lifetime. I'm amazed at how it can take two thousand hours to find out you don't like a game.

To some extent the online the experience will be affected by more experienced players. For instance, when I started, the players were really helpful to new players, communicating lots of tips to level up, and advice about castle/village layout and build order. It's not a game for lone wolves, which may deter new players, and you have to play regularly to get to the attacking/defending stage. And although you do have an advantage if you pay to buy cards, it's not a single player game, and you can always ask a higher ranked player for help and advice. At worst, they won't message you back, but most active players seem to welcome newcomers to the game.

I'll continue to play as long as other people do.

meu02136, currently in USA2
Verfasst am 11. September 2014.
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7 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1.2 Std. insgesamt
If AIDS and the plague had a baby, it's excrement would be less horrible than this game.
Verfasst am 25. Juni 2014.
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Ergebnisse 1–2 von 2