beautiful, chunky smegma
Kobenhavn, Denmark
Skuzzi: dem fra mellemøsten går altid efter dine tårne
- Tobias om skak

grump: "hey lets be productive and do some cool jazz stuff with grump"
grump: an hour later we're both watching ketchup bots
grump: story of my life

MSR 20 lutego 2018 o 14:22 
nope er stoppet med at surfe for lang tid siden :p
I'm not even dead yet 16 września 2017 o 6:43 
all right Freddy senpai im ready to vote for you, so all i need is you noticing me fampai
I'm not even dead yet 8 września 2017 o 16:45 
I'm not even dead yet 20 lipca 2017 o 7:43 
Btw the guy on your profil pic somehow reminds me of the ex president of France you know that guy named François Hollande, so weird right?
I'm not even dead yet 20 lipca 2017 o 7:39 
well since you are jewish and im a nazi spy then we can get together and we can trust each other, i mean what can possibly go wrong.... right?
I'm not even dead yet 18 lipca 2017 o 14:35 
Nazi shpi 4life