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302.5 изиграни часа (146.8 часа по време на рецензията)
First off, let me just state that buying this thing for disk is as pointless as buying Metal Gear Solid V on disk.

I tried to get past the 23 gigabytes of download and nope, it only installed 5 gigabytes of data than forced me to install the rest of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game.

Any ways, onto the review. This game is the only thing I've been playing since I bought it. I sat on my ass for two days straight when I first got this game. I'm sad to say though, that it isn't as good as we all hyped it up to be. The game is bland, doesn't even live up to Bethesda's ruining of Fallout 3 inwhich they mess up the entire canon for Fallout.

Alright, gameplay is great at times. I love the shooting as it feels lively and active. Nothing feels too forced or clunky like Fallout 3 and New Vegas had problems with. I applaud Bethesda for keeping me interested through the entire game as not many RPGs from them or many others seem to do. The character creation is nice, but the game tricks you with the SPECIAL stats. You don't GET to DEVELOP your character, you get a crumby linear story idea that tricks you into thinking it's open world. With that being said, this game focus MUCH MUCH more on gameplay than story, which is incredibly unfortunate as I had hoped we were going to get more indepth with the lore. I'll get more into that in a bit.

The voice acting is, well it's wierd. They do an OK job at times, other times the main character's voice sounds like he's confused. Infact, the whole dialogue system? It's TERRIBLE. I had to get a mod to fix this and come to think of it, is Bethesda doing this on purpose for modders to fix their PURPOSEFUL mistakes? Who knows, wouldn't be surprising if it were true. Back to the topic at hand, it feels like your character is out of place from the entire world. He'll say something entirely irrelevant like he just had an angorism or something and the other characters will think it's ok and response normally. It just feels so badly organized and didn't have any effort put into it at times.

The music is probably the best bethesda's done. I love the soundtrack. But ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, they cheat ALOT for the radio. They reuse, and I counted, EIGHT SONGS FROM FALLOUT 3. EIGHT SONGS. If you haven't played Fallout 3, it'll be fine I guess. But come on, alot of fans are gonna get sick of it. And their is TOO few ones, or ones that just don't play enough. The host though, oh my god. At first I loved him. He was so much better than Three-Dog cause he wasn't howling into your ear constantly. Then you notice something really big. He repeats the news every frickin' second. Too few events happen and it made me turn off the radio, it sucks.

Finally, the story. You may not notice this, but this story is especially a vice versa version of Fallout 3. Seriously, if you havent played Fallout 3, it goes like this. !*SPOILER FREE*!

>In Vault
>Dad goes
>Go Find Dad

Now this is the first two acts of Fallout 4

>In Vault
>Son goes
>Go Find Son

That's it ladies and gentlemen. The story gets GOOD in Act 3 with Faction Tension. You have my favorite faction, The Minutemen. The FIXED Brotherhood of Steel, who hate the idea of charity and want to have full control of Technology. You have the Institute, these people who I won't go into that much but they make synths who are called boogeymen by the people of the Commonwealth due to how they kidnap people in the night. And finally, you have The Railroad, people who want to free synths as they believe they are sentient. The game begins to get more diplomatic and you really start to see each side to the factions and the bad they do.


Come the ♥♥♥♥ on Bethesda, make a new engine.

The game does a somewhat good job in keeping you in but I found myself bored after completing the game with nothing to do. The game has a ♥♥♥♥ performance when running on my GTX 960 which is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ unbelievable. If you are a long time Fallout fan or enjoyed Vegas more than 3, this game is not gonna be for you. IT plays like a SHOOTER. Not the strategic diplomatic fallout we all know. When you get to act 3 it gets good but falls short as it's only 5 hours long in act 3. The game has SOME replayability but once you hit your 3rd playthrough, it's meh.

Again, Fallout fans will not be happy with the outcome of this one. Hopefully when the GECK comes around we'll see something interesting happen.
Публикувана 26 ноември 2015. Последно редактирана 26 ноември 2015.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
102.0 изиграни часа (6.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Dishonored is a game that takes places during the Dark Ages, where the Black Plague is spreading rapidly. But what this game does differently is it's timeline placement. As soon as you jump into the game, you'll notice how the game is SteamPunk stylized, full of technology that would be hundreds of years ahead of the Renaissance Era. I will go through three categories in this review to show how well this game did it's aspects, along with it's faults.

Usually, I like story more than gameplay.
From my playthrough of the game, you play as a man named Corvo who has returned from a week long trip in finding any information or help of a cure. But you are wrongly accused of a murder on the Empress and the kidnapping of her daughter. You realize that the men responsible for this are the men who first greet you back from your trip. You seek your way for vengeance against the men who killed the Empress, and look to find Emily to rescue her from the kidnapping.

The story is quite appealing and I HIGHLY recommend that you go and check it out yourself.

This game has some interesting mechanics that will make you feel like your in a Assassin's Creed game. Literally, sometimes I thought I was in Assassin's Creed just playing this. But the aspects of that game are increased in this one as your main objective is to get from Point A to Point B. Sure that may be repetitive, but if you want some challenge, try to do the side objectives. For example, you are asked to kill the Pendelton Brothers as you also could try to do this without being caught AND killing anyone. The best way to do this is to get others to do your duty work, that way you wont be affected from the killing if any if to go down.

The melee combat is fairly good and does take some time to get used too. You need some good timing to get everything nailed down with blocked to make counter attacks and good timing to make assassinations. You have the choice to either strangle (Make Peace) or murder (Make Blood). This is very important for your Chaos, which determines how your game will make the final outcome. The less chaos, the better. One little thing I do have a problem with in this game is the forced mechanics that will make this Ghost and No killing objective an impossible task. You will be caught by guards, no doubt. But when you are caught by guards that are right next to a door you can't possibly know they'll be by, you will have to restart from the beginning to make this again. The game is trial and error, nothing entirely changes and it ends up just being a memory game.

One more thing, you have runes. Runes help you unlock more black magic. The most noticable black magic power you will use is Blink. IF you have ever played DotA 2, you will recognize that very much in this game. This power allows you to teleport without being seen or heard, making it a very great strategy tool for running, assassinating, climbing, etc.

I will address this in future reviews, but I will not judge a game by it's graphics. Please do not take this into consideration for not buying the game as bad visuals can also make a good game.

Dishonored looks beautiful. It's amazing to stab enemies and the enviroment is full of deadly atmosphere. This puts you right into the game's immersion and you immediately feel the dark days of the Black Plague. But one thing that really grinded my gears was the human's models. I understand that this was made in 2012 and not everything was perfect at the time, but the models could've looked alot better and it kinda ruins the games atmoshpere, not a whole lot though.
Another thing I will say is that this game has some pretty bad lip sync, but that doesnt really bother me.

This game is beauty, I highly recommend you grab this game. 8/10
Публикувана 19 януари 2015.
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21.1 изиграни часа (12.9 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
I love this game. It made me cry in laughter for hours straight. I had spent a whole day on this game and recieved no sleep just from the creativity and fun in the game. Even in Alpha Stages, it seems like a VERY developed game. I'd buy it before the price raises.
Публикувана 19 април 2014.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
199.0 изиграни часа (149.5 часа по време на рецензията)
I have to say, The Binding of Isaac is one of the most addicting games I have ever played.

If you ask me, I have launched this game ATLEAST once or twice a DAY to get my daily dose of it. It's a little disturbing in some places, sure, but it brings comedy, horror, and PLOT into the game. You play as a boy named Isaac, a boy who has been doing sinful things throughout his life. His mother becomes insane, hearing that her son is the work of the devil, and he must be saved by being punished. With death. It's godly enough to be a nice rogue like, game. I suggest to buy the game.

EDIT: I made this when I was 14, Edmund is my childhood's hero. All his games are amazing, and this is easily his best one! Such a passionate developer and artist.
Публикувана 19 март 2014. Последно редактирана 25 юли 2022.
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4 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
106.0 изиграни часа (41.8 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is amazing. You play as a professianl banker robber in a fun, co-operative multiplayer expierence. If you have wanted to propose a plan in robbing a bank, you now can with your friends. This game is really good and alot more better then it's original. I recommend atleast demoing it to see if it'd be your type of game. Have fun if you got it!
Публикувана 22 декември 2013.
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13.3 изиграни часа (0.5 часа по време на рецензията)
such ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, i take so many ♥♥♥♥♥ and eat them beciz its so bad wow, i would ♥♥♥♥ myself rather than ply this becus i hav no plot liek wtf. stupid ♥♥♥♥ game ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ french boob.
Публикувана 27 юли 2013.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
3,463.1 изиграни часа (583.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Funnest thing EVA. Nuff Sed.
Публикувана 3 януари 2013.
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