No information given.
JRM 5 Jul @ 11:17am 
toxic cheater silver 0
FE!N 24 Oct, 2023 @ 12:23pm 
we met on cs2.She introduce herself as a girl.She said me she is from Germany but never spoke on game we was just chatting.We improved our friendship so much.I started to feed some feeling about her(actually him but i didn't know that).But i have some suspicious inside me.One day i invited her and she started spoke!!! OMG i never heard any beatiful sound as like that it was like a heaven's waterfall sound.Then she opened the camera and i saw heaven with my eyes.She invited me and i bought ticket then went to her.I went to Hamburg and she sent me location.My heart was so close to heart attack.I ring the bell BUTTTTTTTTT....

One arabic ugly guy opened the door and said me welcome FE!N and he was half naked.I started to run and he started also behind me.I was so scared.But he was fat as french fries so I escaped.
shelvaci 23 Oct, 2023 @ 1:53pm 
2 oyun oynayalım dedik iyi oynuyor sandık başta, ağzımıza sıçtı 3 vurdu 3, ÜÇ. Bir de gay olduğunu utanmadan söyleyebiliyor top herif. Dinde kitapta yeri yok allahsız amcık yaptığı laflara bak. Arkadaşlar sakın Oyuna girmeyin bu piçle. allah'ı yiyorum diye geziyor zaten:steamfacepalm:
shelvaci 23 Oct, 2023 @ 1:49pm 
Kötürüm orzbucocu
Chela 1 Aug, 2023 @ 7:49am 
yedin banı kafana hahahah
Chela 1 Aug, 2023 @ 7:35am 
siktiğimin botu 4-4-20 ne