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Pew! Pew! I'm a Star Wars!
投稿日 2021年8月18日.
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The Forgotten City, for all of its five to seven hours of playtime, will stand as one of the most memorable video games I've ever played. It is primarily for fans of storytelling, however. And on that front it absolutely does not disappoint even the tiniest bit.

Visually stunning. Great voice acting. An exceptional story loaded with many pertinent themes that are both as old as time and as relevant to today as they ever have been. A highly unique premise. And incredibly unique art direction.

The Forgotten City is a game built with passion and held together with heart and soul, and it shows.

It is not very difficult, however. Most of the challenge comes from selecting the obvious dialog choice needed to break a sequence to your advantage. There is some light combat but it's hardly challenging. There aren't even any puzzles in the vein of classic adventure games. No experience points. No skill trees. No crafting. No loot.

Just you and one helluva good story.

While some might appreciate the lack of friction that the absence of challenge provides, some will consider the game to be too easy, maybe even throwaway. But story is very much where The Forgotten City shines, and in this case I'm okay with being able to progress quickly through an excellent narrative at the expense of video game challenge.

And even though The Forgotten City uses the time loop mechanic of Majora's Mask, it is hardly as challenging or repetitious as you'd expect. In fact, there are nifty short cuts to auto complete quests that you have already solved on subsequent cycles. Most of the quests can be completed in a single cycle. And I managed to complete the game in five. You keep all the knowledge you've gained and all the items you have with you when you restart the day. The amount of progress you actually loose when you restart is practically zero.

What you're left with is an excellent story with high stakes, a highly compelling premise, engaging characters who are well acted and well written, and some poignant philosophical themes that never come off as preachy, condescending, or one sided.
投稿日 2021年8月16日.
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総プレイ時間:47.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:22.5時間)
A good old game from yesteryear.

Dungeon Siege was quite the novelty in its day. Not your typical Diablo clone, DS features party combat with up to eight characters. Managing that many characters at once can be quite a wrangle at times, but there are settings to help automate attack and movement for individual characters or the entire group.

But having that many characters under your control makes for some pretty epic large scale battles. Honestly, there isn't much in the way of strategy beyond throwing your group at enemies and watching the blows land, the spells fling and the arrows fly. Excellent audio makes each hit sound meaty and every spell zap, woosh and singe sound impactful.

Along the way you amass loot and accumulate expee in the traditional fashion. There isn't much in the way of loot variety, with equipment bearing a lot of the same stats. Kitting out your characters involves little more than equipping the highest stats for the job without much in the way of diverse build sets or the like. There are a lot of interesting and powerful spells, however. And finding new ones is always a thrill to add to your mage's arsenal.

Leveling up involves little more than smacking, zapping or shooting things until you advance in the associated skill. After a while your main attributes will improve as well. This all happens on its own and there are no talents, perks or feats to select so character advancement is practically automatic. However, you can freely develop any character as fighters, rangers or combat or nature mages. But the rate at which each skill develops is rather slow to allow for diverse builds. You're usually better off trying to focus on one skill over others.

The graphics of Dungeon Siege still look pretty good today. Muted colors and abundant lighting and fog lend the game a very atmospheric look. And though the game amounts to little more than one long continuous hallway, the seamless progress on account of there being no loading screens makes the world feel interconnected.

Unfortunately, its linearity means that your travels will quickly distance you from towns. And even though side quests are not plentiful and usually don't involve much and result in paltry rewards, forgetting to complete a quest in certain areas will mean you'll have to trek back across empty space in order to get back.

This problem also applies to selling loot, as inventory space is rather limited and each dungeon delve is an endurance test towards the next town. There are no portals or teleporter scrolls to get you back to town, so you end up having to keep only the most valuable items you've acquired. Fortunately, item descriptions list the item's value. There are pack animals with expanded inventories that you can bring along, but they aren't much use in combat and take up valuable character slots.

Your biggest risk is running out of potions in the middle of a dungeon. If that happens, then you gotta trek all the way back to the last shop keep. Enemies don't respawn, so at least you don't have to contend with them again. But that does mean that you end up having to retread empty space.

But there is something novel about delving into dark dungeons and making your way through until you emerge into a different part of the land of Ehb than you were before, be it a snowy mountain, murky forest or rocky beach. The seamless progression through the game makes it feel like one long measurable journey.

The pathfinding in DS is also exceptional. To think that games like the Infinity Engine titles had abysmal pathfinding while the pathfinding in Dungeon Siege is top notch. I've never had a character get lost along their way to where I told them to go, even if it was far off and around many corners. It is easy to get your characters to move in formation as a group, and their handling is precise and responsive.

Camera controls are mostly sufficient but can be wonky at times. The camera can be unlocked but it defaults to orbiting around the selected "lead" character. In situations where the party spreads out, characters can end up off screen forcing you to select them so the camera will shift over to them. When paused, the game does not switch between characters, meaning you have to unpause the game before the camera will shift.

The camera works well more often than not, but it can sometimes get hung up on the geometry and scenery and it can get dicey if your party is split up.

Dungeon Siege is not a particularly cinematic game and it is relatively light on story. There are NPCs in town but they mostly stand around giving unvoiced flavor text. Companion characters have voiced introductions but never say a word after that. There are cutscenes, but they don't last long and none of them are particularly clever. In tabletop RPG fashion, a GM briefly narrates the current state of your adventure at the outset of each chapter.

All in all, Dungeon Siege is a good solid romp with satisfying combat, great atmosphere and some novel RPG mechanics. It's a brawler through and through, so don't go in expecting a story centric Infinity Engine game or an open world Elder Scrolls type RPG.

And as for the missing content in the "complete" edition? It can be easily patched in as the Dungeon Siege has been faithfully kept alive by intrepid fans over the years. Plugging in the missing multiplayer and Legend of Aranna content is a cinch. It took me longer to download the required files than it did for me to copy and patch them into the install folder.

So I really need to shout out a big THANK YOU to dedicated fans of this series! It's because of them that I can enjoy Dungeon Siege again today.
投稿日 2021年8月2日.
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Hellgate is an interesting throwback to a bygone era of gaming. The first of the "looter shooters" before Borderlands made it popular, Hellgate is a near straight up Diablo reskin with a third person action camera.

Instead of the medieval fantasy of Diablo, Hellgate is an urban post apocalypse with gray, samey environments that all look alike from beginning to end.

The standard class selection is robust and nothing you haven't already seen before, although each of the classes play substantially different from each other to make them unique. There isn't anything in the way of build variety and stats for loot is pretty underwhelming.

The game is a constant straightforward grind with little difficulty beyond being kitted out and of sufficient level. The interface isn't as clunky as it looks. I find it to be quite streamlined and efficient. And although it might look like an action shooter, it is in no way twitched based. Mobility is practically nonexistent since all enemies are hitscan and hitting your target is little more than lining up your reticle over it. It really just amounts to a different way to tab target enemies.

I can recommend Hellgate on the offensively cheap. It's worth maybe a few hours of play before the repetition gets monotonous.
投稿日 2021年7月25日.
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総プレイ時間:172.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:150.1時間)
Hitman 1 and 2 is one of the most engaging games I've ever played. Deep, clever, stylish, gobsmackingly detailed and ridiculously gorgeous, Hitman boasts some of the finest level design in the history of video games. A truly astonishing social simulation, Hitman crafts a stealth game that has less to do with crouching and more to do with hiding in plain sight discovering clever ways to blend into the environment and use it to accomplish your tasks undetected.

Sometimes Hitman feels more like a classic adventure game than a stealth game, as remaining undetected is seldom a challenge. The challenge is in finding your own clever ways to navigate the levels, enter restricted areas, acquire necessary items and manipulate NPCs into unwittingly setting your targets up to fail. And there is never one way to do it. There are countless ways. It's up to you to find your own methods.

This makes playing Hitman really feel like you're playing... a Hitman. You become Agent 47, you get into his head because it is *you* who is thinking like an assassin. It is *you* who is doing the reconnaissance, setting up your marks, planning it out, considering the possibilities, exploiting the opportunities, and carefully putting all the pieces into place until that sweet moment when it all comes together and it's mission accomplished.

But by far the greatest feeling of satisfaction Hitman provides, is in the feeling of mastery. That singular moment when you begin playing a mission for the first time is to be cherished as it is the first and last time in your life that it will ever happen. That is the moment where you are a babe to the vast world of possibilities laid out before you, ignorant as they come, with the whole level yours for the taking.

What proceeds from there is a challenging, thrilling, thought provoking and tantalizing process of becoming intimately familiar with the level piece by piece, minute by minute. Learning its ins and outs, discovering its secrets, knowing what makes it tick, exploring every corner, delving its depths until you know it front to back and can time your movements with its perfectly like a well choreographed dance. After hours of exploration, observation and discovery, you have conquered it like a pro. It's a real sense of pride and accomplishment.

Then you repeat it all over again for the next level.

These levels are vast, too. Each one is a self contained open world, sprawling and detailed with more interactions than you can imagine.

My only real big gripe, however, is the mission stories. Each mission story is a different way you can take down a target. The reason I don't like this is because it is nothing more than a quest marker in a RPG. This is the last game where I want to be following a quest marker. All the fun of Hitman is in discovering your own way to take out your target yourself. But because the mission stories lead you by the hand, it feels more like the game's way of taking the target out. This completely undermines Hitman's greatest strength.

You can disable the mission markers but the mission stories are tied into the game's progression system, which is how you advance your rank, wrack up your score, unlock new items and equipment and even unlock the next level. So following the mission stories is not something you can just choose not to do. You can choose to follow them with minimal help, but unless you follow each step and arrive at the intended solution, you can't even move on to the next level.

The game's progression system is largely beside the point anyway, since most of the numerous unlocks are pretty useless and/or completely redundant. Just give me a completely unstructured sandbox with no tips or guidance. Each level would still have its own stories and subplots going on, which makes every mission even more interesting. But just use these stories as clues to suggest what unique possibilities have been built into the level for taking down your target and let the player discover them themselves, not be lead to them. It feels less satisfying when you set up a target for some spectacular finish knowing that the game lead you to it instead of having found it yourself.

While the mission stories are the game's biggest drag, you can still find plenty of your own fun and make plenty of your own mayhem. Even though completing the mission stories is mandatory, you can still take out your targets any way you like at any time and the way you get through and open up each level is still yours to pave.
投稿日 2021年7月4日. 最終更新日 2023年4月27日
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総プレイ時間:124.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:89.2時間)
Riddle me this...

Is Fallout 4 an RPG?

Answer: No.

Oh sure, it has stats and numbers and expee and level and stuff. But there's no - you know - roleplaying of the character variety. You get four multiple choice dialog options in conversations now, and they all say the same thing. Your character can have all max stats and be a master of everything. And there are no ways to influence the narrative, no way to change the fate of factions before the finale when you are railroaded into a strict multiple choice decision on who to side with.

Fallout New Vegas this is not.

Is Fallout 4 even a Fallout game?

Answer: No.

Oh sure, there are super mutants and brotherhood of steel and death claws and nuka cola and all the trappings, but the spirit of Fallout isn't there. All Fallout 4 really retains from its namesake is the series' dark cynical tone that lampshades american pop culture and the human condition.

Does Fallout 4 have a good story?

Answer: God no.

The premise is utterly asinine. You're a vault dweller chasing after your kidnapped baby. Problem is, you don't care. You, the player, just have no reason to. And neither does the vault dweller apparently, since from the moment you escape the vault to chase after your missing infant, you're neck deep in open world quests, busily solving the problems of all the world's inhabitants without a care in the world for your own imperiled flesh and blood.

And the bad guys are farcical at best. They start out interestingly enough. A shadowy organization of invisible boogeymen are terrorizing the common wealth and replacing people with artificial synths. Creepy. But nothing is ever done with this concept other than the whole "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" concept that has been done to death in science fiction, and an underground railroad premise that's actually pretty sweet, even though it's literally one sidequest from Fallout 3 blown up into an entire game.

The worst part is, the institute's reason for replacing people with synths is never explained and their master plan at the end makes no sense at all.

Is Fallout 4 a good game?

Answer: Yes. Yes it is.

The gunplay is satisfying. Exploration is engaging. There are a lot of fun and interesting quests. The loot > murder > grind cycle Bethesda is well on their way to perfecting is satisfying, and made all the better by the inclusion crafting and settlement building using materials scrapped from all the junk you pick up throughout the game.

Fallout has also never looked any better. Finally there is color in our post apocalyptic wasteland! Characters look absolutely outstanding and the character creator is one of the best I've seen.

One of F4's sweetest features is the tooltip inventory for searching containers. Gone are the days of interacting with every container to see what's inside. Now the contents of any container is displayed in a list next to the reticle simply by passing over it and the items can be scrolled through and looted directly from the list without having to open the container. It is an outstanding quality of life feature that I'm surprised hasn't made itself into more games.

And for the first time, Gamebryo Engine Fallout has a functional third person camera. Okay, so, shooting is still janky from third person and it won't serve you well in tough fights, but it looks better and controls better to walk around in third person now. Characters no longer skate along the ground and turn like tank turrets. And the jumping animation is no longer laughable. All the better to show off your character with.

The verticality of the open world is also a wonderful addition to the series, with rooftops to navigate and overpasses to crawl over offering a sweet new dimension to exploration.

While the settlement building is robust and satisfying, it is ultimately a non essential element of the game. Which is a positive for anyone who prefers to ignore it. It's only a major factor in the minutemen quest line, which can be largely skipped as it is mostly radial quests anyway.

For those who do partake of the settlement building pastime, there are a lot of elaborate settlements to construct. And there is nothing more satisfying than to see the bombed out husk of a ruin you started with grow into a brightly lit, furnished and fully populated town over time with vendors and shopkeepers to boot.

While the crafting and settlement building is well integrated, it could always stand to be deeper and more robust. Much of it can be downright clunky. Fortunately, there are always mods to help alleviate those problem.

There are many companion characters and they tend to be pretty interesting overall. Nick Valentine is one of my new favorite companions. It's fun to adventure with them. Like a Bioware or Obsidian title, companions are better integrated into the story than in most previous Fallouts, with their own personal quest lines and comments on various situations in and out of dialog. Adventuring with them is still entirely optional at at your discretion, and you're only missing out on a few perks if you choose to go it alone. There are even perks that allow you to benefit from adventuring without companions.

Of course it goes without saying that Bethesda's saving grace is their unequivocal mod support and Fallout 4 is no exception. There is a mod for everything, and if you're not playing with mods, then you need to stop whatever it is you' doing and re-evaluate your life choices so you can figure out where it went so horribly wrong.

My favorite is the alternative start mod that lets you start the game as anything from a farmer to a mechanic to a gunner or a brotherhood scribe or a synth, with different starting locations and equipment. The mod even changes voiced dialog to fit your character and - by extent - fixes the ridiculous narrative dissonance surrounding baby Shawn. It is more than a little pathetic that a few people in their spare time did, for free, what Bethesda should have done to make something of a proper RPG out of Fallout 4 and eliminate the incongruities with the story. But that's The House of Saint Howard for ya.

All in all, with or without mods, Fallout 4 is a game that can be enjoyed in and of itself.

Fallout series fans will be disappointed by just how different 4 is from 3 even. Hard core RPG players will be disappointed by the everything and the kitchen sink way of building your character and the total lack of ways to roleplay your character that Bethesda has sadly become known for. The main story will be the most disappointing aspect of the whole experience for everyone.

But if taken on its own, Fallout 4 is a fun, engaging, compelling, and exciting time in its own right.
投稿日 2021年6月7日. 最終更新日 2021年6月10日
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Not a Fun or Challenging Sim

Farm Manager is a basically satisfying management sim for anyone who is hard up for a management sim to play. It basically works, but it is not particularly deep and it has its issues.

Most of the challenge simply comes from having enough farm equipment and employees to tend your fields. What you grow isn't really important. Money practically makes itself. Although some animals and crops aren't worth it. Even equipment maintenance handles itself.

The biggest challenge to your income is going to be labor. And unfortunately, hiring new farm managers is strictly RNG. You'll simply reroll the available workers until you find ones with the best skills for the cheapest salaries, drop their pay to 20% and they're somehow still happy with their job. I find it funny that all the portraits for the farm workers are all suspiciously attractive and suspiciously white. They all look like the cast of a CW production.

Other than that, making sure you have enough farm equipment available is the only other factor. Most of the simulation is strictly hands off. You have no control over your workers. They will tend to fields as they see fit which can be annoying when you have a field sitting idle that needs to be planted or harvested immediately and your workers are off working on whatever field they want.

The rest of your job is simply constructing buildings where you want to put them. It makes little difference. The only factor is whether or not a building is in range of another building that depends on it, but effective radius' are so big that's hardly ever an issue.

I encountered a few bugs with the workers. I had a group of them sleeping all the time. And like any lazy worker I fired them and fixed the issue. I'm honestly not sure if that was a bug or a feature.

I have to wonder why 100x100 size fields exist, when the amount of workers that can work any field at any given time is capped at 15, which is far too low for a field of that size.

And for all the equipment you'll be purchasing throughout the game, the size of the garages and lots you have to park them on is inadequate, which means you end up with a ton of parking lots all over the place.

I suppose I should mention some PROS. It's kind of neat how you can tailor your farm in different ways. You can have a strictly animal farm or you can just grow crops. You can have an entirely self sustaining farm where your own crop produce is used to feed animals and animal manure is used for fertilizer. Or you can simply buy the feed and fertilizer and pesticides you need and have em shipped in. You can even have an entirely organic farm. And instead of just selling your produce, you can have it manufactured into commercial products via your own manufacturing facilities.

There is a neat little quality of life feature where the game will remember the setting you prefer for what level of durability your equipment needs maintenance at and will automatically set it there for newly purchased equipment so you don't have to keep setting it yourself all the time. Although I think this might have contributed to the repair setting getting reset for some vehicles and equipment sometimes which forced me to set it back. I'm not sure if it was a bug.

The map offers plenty of space to expand your farm, but you'll still be constructing the same buildings in the same fields over and over. There really isn't a whole lot of variety to the game at all.

So if you like simple, lazy unchallenging sims, Farm Manager is it.

If you prefer deep, complex sims that will give you a challenge, you won't find it here.
投稿日 2021年6月7日.
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総プレイ時間:4.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.4時間)
Trash - Don't even play it for free

It's cheap.

It's cheap in its design.

It's cheap in its presentation.

It's cheap in its difficulty.

Levels are lazy and uninspired. Lame "metroidvania" knockoff. Barely hidden items are in obvious locations. No real sense of exploration.

Mechanically simple. Usable items are banal. Different weapon types are stock standard and all play the same from beginning to end. Dodge roll. Block. Nothing more complex than "get expee > choose +1 attack or an extension to your combo or some such." Lame air combos. Simple and unsatisfying weapon crafting. Nothing you haven't seen before that hasn't already been done better in a million other games.

Invincibility frames for dodging are insultingly sparse. You can dodge roll half the length of the screen and only be invincible for like two frames. Most of the time, the obscene distance you dodge will just send you rolling over a ledge.

The aesthetic is every grimdark fantasy you've ever seen. What's black and white and red all over? This game.

Utterly forgettable characters. Barely any dialog. Story is nonsense. Lore is nonsensical. The world premise is uninspired. It's night all the time and scary things happen. Woooh!

The production "values" are roughly on par with a flash game. Animations look slick though. That's literally the only good thing I can say about Vigil.

It's pathetically trying way too hard to be 2D dark souls without any of the mechanical complexity.

Give it a HARD pass.
投稿日 2021年4月11日. 最終更新日 2021年6月10日
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総プレイ時間:28.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:24.9時間)
For fans of construction and management sims

Founder's Fortune isn't a particularly complex simulation, but it's designed to be engaging enough to be captivating. It's not particularly challenging, but it keeps players focused and actively managing all aspects of their little settlers and their developing colony. This is not to say, however, that the game is lacking in automation. Indeed, Founder's Fortune's AI is top notch, allowing you to set jobs for your settlers as well as telling each of them how to prioritize them, and they'll do an efficient job of completing tasks as necessary.

You will have to balance resource gathering, construction, and researching new advancements, all while ensuring your colonists are fed and their personal needs are met. There are some aspects borrowed from The Sims, such as the need to eat and sleep, social interactions to build relationships, and wishes and expectations to fill. All of this will influence your colonist's mood. If their mood plummets, they'll quit working for a while.

You also have to contend with your colony's neighbors. Various native tribes, hostile pirates, and friendly traders all demand tribute from your colony and you can hurt or improve your reputation with them to your benefit or hindrance.

The neat part of the construction aspect is that you don't construct whole buildings to act as homes and workshops for your colony. You build floorplans and walls and get to place furniture within as you see fit. This offers up a fair degree of flexibility and creativity, although I wish there were more visual customization options than there are on offer.

Each game goes through a progression of stages. At first it is all about survival and construction. Then it quickly turns into gathering the resources you need to progress along the research tree. Around this time, the native tribes start demanding tribute, and you have to decide whether or not to engage in friendly trade with them (and make sure you can spare the goods they require) or focus on getting militant with them. This is also around the time the trader starts to become more important, as you now have more goods you can sell (especially for valuable scrolls you need for research). Then the pirates start to become a problem. At some point your villagers start having kids, and you have to contend with expanding your colony to accommodate them. And child development is an entirely unique aspect of play. The better you raise your kids, the more productive villagers they will grow into.

All of this keeps gameplay varied and engaging. Every minute there is a new goal or objective to strive for, and you have to maintain the balance of productivity throughout your colony to keep up. 24 hours into my first playthrough and I'm still encountering new developments and having to approach unique challenges in new ways. And it never starts to feel tedious or mundane.

The interface isn't pretty but it's laid out in a clear and concise manner. Sound design basically exists. There are simple audio cues for "dialog" when you select your settlers but no voice over. Music is pleasant but it doesn't stand out. The graphics are... certainly unique. They're getting points for style but they're not winning any awards any time soon. That's not to say that the game is ugly. Water looks nice and animated grass blows in the breeze, but the graphics clearly aren't looking to impress. The characters are all rendered in this blocky, cartoony style that isn't particularly hard to look at. Graphics wise, it still beats Minecraft.

Founders' Fortune is a fun and engaging little sim. Play it and enjoy!
投稿日 2021年2月21日.
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総プレイ時間:21.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.5時間)
Sloppy, stupid, cheap.

Oh look. Another "Dark Souls of [insert video game genre here]" trying to be hip with it. And just like every other "Dark Souls of [insert video game genre here]" it fails by being cheap and piss poorly designed.

- The voice acting is alright

- Lack of Necessary Information
- Lousy RNG
- Repetitive Dialog
- Repetitive Music
- Repetitive Levels
- Lack of Options
- UnSkippable Dialog

It's like Invisible Inc is designed to be deliberately frustrating for every wrong reason. Once again, the game tries to be challenging by just not giving players anything to work with. Even worse is moves that are supposed to give crucial map information, don't. You can peer through a door into the next room, but half the time it won't show you the guard or the camera, only that the room is covered in survailence. GREAT! So how am I supposed to breach if I can't even see the camera to deactivate it and the guard is going to pop me the instant I open the door?

All the hackable objects have no useful descriptions and no indication of what effect they'll have on the map if you hack them. Power is a precious resource. I shouldn't have to spend power to hack every generator on the map to find the one that shuts down the lasers!

Objectives aren't highlighted and the game gives you no layout of the map. Imagine the Navy Seals raiding Taliban Strongholds without first spending months practicing in mock floor plans until they're as familiar with the layout as the people who live there! And you're supposed to be commanding a super elite squad of infiltrators! DUR HUR! Let's just go in blindly and get us all killed! That's exactly what happens 9/10 times. Even the original Thief had the decency to at least give players a crude drawing of the level with some annotations in the margins.

And of course these developers think they're being cute by randomly generating everything, including map layout. Because the developers are so lazy they have to have an algorithm design their levels for them, some maps are just going to be generated in a way that screws you over, full stop. Meaning you're @#$%ed from the get go, the only solution is to die.

You'd think that'd be easy to accomplish in a game like this. But no. Because for no reason, there is no option to start the level over. You have to find armed guards to suicide your entire squad... THEN you're given the option to start the level over. And this process can take over 20 clicks. But I guess pulling up a menu and clicking "restart" in two clicks like every other game ever would make too much sense and not be ZOMG HARRD CORREE enough.

And because you'll be playing the same levels over and over again like a slot machine, the same dialog sequences play at the beginning of each level. They cannot be skipped through. And after the characters finally shut up, all sorts of pop ups about objectives and @#$% start popping up! For @#$% sake! I know the objectives! There are only like four of them in the whole game and any idiot can figure them out! Stop cramming text boxes in my face that I've already read twelve dozen times and let me get on with it!

So the whole point is that you die and get to keep experience and any characters you've unlocked and blah blah blah blah blah. Except the game is only "hard" because it's random and offers players few options in combat. There's often no thinking involved in figuring out creative ways through a level because the game just isn't designed to give you anything to work with. At no point will you ever feel particularly clever for maneuvering around some obstacle. Most of the time you get by the same way you always do only it worked this time because you were lucky.

So who is this game for? Stealth fans? Stealth fans will be frustrated by the rudementary and cheap stealth. Turn based strategy fans? Well... there's not much in the way of strategy. RPG fans? Oh, sure, you can level up but this is even less of an RPG than a Ubisoft game. Roguelike fans? The RNG adds zero variety. Every level is the same regardless of how it's generated, only most of the time it's generated to @#$% you over from the start.

So, I guess if you like pulling the lever on a slot machine this game might be for you. Granted, it's only slightly more involved than that, but the result is essentially the same down to the flashing lights. Only you don't get money if you win. You only get to go on to the next level and do it all over again.

EDIT: 2/22 Before I uninstalled I did discover that you can restart the level without having to get suicided by the guards. But the tooltip on the option explains that you will forfeit this playthrough and have to start over. It *doesn't* say that you will be given the option of restarting the level after it's done doing its pointless score tally like it does after every mission. Again, it's this lack of communication that is one of Invisible's biggest problems.
投稿日 2021年2月15日. 最終更新日 2021年2月21日
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