Не надано жодної інформації.
Зараз не в мережі
Улюблена гра
Годин проведено
Вітрина рецензій
6 274 год. проведено
haven't played much

it's alright
Улюблений посібник
Автор(и): Landeyx та Hagrid
Оцінок: 1 022
Greetings! After being up for nearly 9 years, I've decided to give this guide a revision to better reflect my writing. I wrote this originally when I was 10, and it was rife with spelling errors and strange sentences, so hopefully you'll enjoy the Revised
Остання активність
6,9 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 22 листоп.
767 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 21 листоп.
17,6 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 17 листоп.
The Beast of Zion 15 верес. о 17:54 
Waaaah. I didn't read the SSD Required bit on the required specifications of a game. Waaaahhh I'm poor. Waaaaahhhhhh
Korzario_DAKKA_Frezh! 8 верес. о 17:04 
impatience 20 серп. о 8:12 
have a nice day! :boop:
impatience 17 лип. о 16:45 
goodnight :boop:
impatience 1 черв. о 10:29 
have a nice day :heart1331:
Hagrid 2 трав. о 18:45 
Ah ♥♥♥♥ I missed the big one again, better late than never
Happy 10 years to being on Steam

I've been on steam for a little under half of Steam's lifespan
I was also born a day before the official big release of Steam

Here's to 10 more years