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Verfasst: 29. Aug. 2022 um 22:12

Oh the common thread that is people complaining about gameplay loops being too hard despite the arsenal you're presented with during the late game. It's Doom Eternal all over again, lol.

Stop throwing away your rockets and take advantage of the fact that you can clear dozens of fashion crimes at once with them. Utilize that sweet whip to escape from the scooter bros constantly pummeling you. Know which weapon to switch to and which targets to prioritize, etc. Boomer shooter 101. Are we really still complaining about games being too hard? Come on...

In short, get good.

6.9 hours in and the story has been bested. Game was amazing and hit all the necessary spots. I'm looking forward to 100% completion of the game and thoroughly enjoyed how much effort was put into it. The demo had me worried the gameplay would fizzle quickly but it kept delivering and kept me wanting more. Although it ended too abruptly, I'm still looking forward to revisiting levels and secret/achievement hunting the levels all over again. Game absolutely shreds with style and class. Wonderful change of pace to the average boomer shooters that have been dropping.
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