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전체 도전 과제 통계 보기
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10 중 2 (20%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Ready Fire

Have 10+ units (armour or infantry) fire on the same turn.
2023년 10월 21일 오후 5시 56분에 획득

Demolition Ogre

Destroy an enemy Ogre in Overrun.
2023년 10월 21일 오후 5시 56분에 획득

Ogre General

Win all of the original Ogre scenarios at least once.

G.E.V. General

Win all of the G.E.V map scenarios at least once.


Complete the Nightfall campaign.

Hail The Combine!

Win 5 scenarios as the North American Combine.
0 / 5

Victory for the Federation!

Win 5 scenarios as the Pan-European Federation.
2 / 5

Steel Rain

Destroy 3 units with spillover fire.

One Ping Only

Deploy reinforcements when down to one remaining unit.

David and Ogreliath

Destroy or disable an Ogre using only Infantry or MBS units.