scourge: to cause great suffering or a lot of trouble; to beat someone with a whip
collage world
me when I try to drift on my g29
33 1
Giant Creator of the Hinterlands—Speculative Dive
2 1
󠀡 26. Nov. 2024 um 1:09 
󠀡 20. Nov. 2024 um 23:11 
reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve
󠀡 4. Okt. 2024 um 22:41 
"Whatever I'm afraid to do, I do it, and that's how it is. I was afraid for the Roy [Jones Jr.] fight. I was scared to fight again. I was 100 pounds overweight, I was—however old—54, 53, and I said, 'Let's do it.' Anything I'm afraid of, I confront it. And that's my personality."—Mike Tyson
󠀡 3. Sep. 2024 um 8:35 
t = tempered
() = meldable

Slots = Rui5 + tRaj5 + tRui5 tSty5
Melee = Glav9 + tNam7 Zino5 + (tRad)7 Odo5

Aff1️⃣Glav9 2️⃣tTeo7 Luna5 3️⃣tRui7 (tBari)5
Hp1️⃣tNam7 Zino5 2️⃣tSil7 tBaz3
Ele1️⃣(tRad)7 Odo5 2️⃣Tig9 Vaal5 3️⃣tGold7 Br5
Atk1️⃣tKush7 Jho5 2️⃣tSil7 Raj5
Def1️⃣Pao9 2️⃣Cor9 3️⃣(tLegi)7 4️⃣(tBr)7 Do5
Deco1️⃣Black7 Vel5 2️⃣tGold7 Sty5

MINE wildspire aff1
BONE coral hp1
MINE rotten ele2

MINE tundra wild aff3
MINE volc ele3

bone Frs, Volc atk2

󠀡 23. Juli 2024 um 21:05 
"Rights aren't rights if someone can take it away. They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you'd know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter and shorter."
󠀡 16. Juli 2024 um 10:38 
some general recommendations of what not to do include making (extensive) heap allocations, logging to the console, doing a bunch of managed-native-managed transitions
(inside that function)