vee <3 St1v1 szept. 28., 13:09 
+rep nancee
vivi aug. 24., 17:04 
+rep great in chase and good teammate!! very helpful and smart
Sunekona júl. 6., 15:21 
+rep friendly Nancy <33
Very bad wolf júl. 4., 6:21 
+rep Took me to a romantic trip on the Pier to see the Swamp and let me practice some shots
Astaroth jún. 22., 15:02 
+rep cool friendly wraith that knows how to file a police report <3
Zeyrox jún. 9., 10:52 
+rep very good surv <3
D'angelo 2022. dec. 27., 13:24 
D'angelo 2022. dec. 27., 13:24 
D'angelo 2022. dec. 27., 13:24 
D'angelo 2022. dec. 27., 13:24 
D'angelo 2022. dec. 27., 13:24 
D'angelo 2022. dec. 27., 13:24 
owner husarii 2022. okt. 8., 12:09 
small ♥♥♥♥
D'angelo 2022. márc. 11., 10:48 
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