Michael M.   Oregon, United States
How to get away with murder*
Post something derogatory about Trump
Become a "producer" of a movie
Accept a revolver loaded with live ammo that you think is not loaded and can ONLY 'go off' if the trigger is pulled (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
Setup the movie set wherever the 'unfortunate person' is known to frequent.
Act as if you are unable to process there was a live round in a firearm for at least an hour after person who got in the way of your waving the firearm around has died.
Adamantly stress you feel no guilt whatsoever, pretend to cry when covering face with hand.

*I do not condone these actions, but it is of the utmost importance that step number 1 is completed before any other steps. Then you can use the 'They're only saying it's murder because of what I said about Trump', defense. This is THE key to guaranteed acquittal!

Battlefield 4 Stats [battlelog.battlefield.com]
Battlefield 3 Stats [battlelog.battlefield.com]
:rcry: Battlefield Stats website R.I.P.
Battlefield 2142 Stats [www.2142-stats.com]
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Stats [bfbcs.com]

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Long Distance RPG chopper kill
1 1 1
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BFBC2 Medic/Engineer
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Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2
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Update: Still a kickass game! Teamwork definitely makes a difference; recon included in teamwork as long as under 50% of the team is recon generally speaking, exceptions to every rule of course. 101 servers in the server browser though it's usually under 40 populated in my recent experience. /update

While not quite the caliber of BF2 or BF2142, BFBC2 is one of the best military shooters you can play. The atmosphere alone is incredible, making it feel and sound like you're really IN the game. There is a bit of an issue with excessive lag and in my experience as well as mnay others, the hit registration is somewhat flaky, but once you learn to compensate for that, the game is a blast!

I think it blows away any of the COD games. There's just so much more too it than run and gun for kill streak perks. It does require playing as a TEAM (unlike COD generally). Therefore, if your team doesn't play as a team (and this is too often unfortunately), you're screwed if you play to win the round. Then again, if you like playing with the odds against you, it's perfect.
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Battlefield Informer | @BF_INFORMER
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[dse]Circlestrafe 11 Jun 2023 @ 4:55pm 
LOL. If you say so Shdw. With 90+ hours in two weeks I think it's more bro has other stuff to do besides TF2 24/7.
Shdw 11 Jun 2023 @ 7:01am 
bro got mad
[dse]Circlestrafe 3 Jan 2023 @ 5:31pm 
We all thought Brandon was the most obtuse 'President' of the USA in 2021, but no, he proved that he was capable of being the most obtuse human being ever to exist in 2022. I'm confident he'll prove to be dumber than rocks in 2023! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
[dse]Circlestrafe 21 Des 2021 @ 6:08pm 
Banana Duck ඞ 22 Nov 2021 @ 7:12am 
Thank you for writing 'lose' instead of 'loose' like most of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ internet does
SONIC 1 Agu 2015 @ 5:21am 
Nice level!)