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게시 일시: 2017년 8월 22일 오후 2시 50분
무료로 받은 제품

It can be quite a fun game with friends, on your own not so much, and atm game balancing is almost non existent.

Some games will for some reason have a high leveled player which is super fast and can kill a tank in 4 seconds and have abilities which freeze you, and you are sitting there like i can boost and have cannons. i hope with a little tweeking of all the guns/abilities this might change and with more people playing the matches might be fairer.

but at the moment generally its unplayable. i still play a little bit but only beacause i dont have many other multiplayer games i want to play at the moment and hopeing it will get better and if it is il have a high leveled character already. But unless they fix the game i dont think many players will be playing this for long.

But it is free which is nice.
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