Lai5e 11/nov./2022 às 4:23 
Meow! :catpaw::chocola::2015cookie:
marijuana gaming 15/out./2018 às 10:28 
hier is je geld
Cerillion 15/out./2018 às 10:20 
marijuana gaming 14/out./2018 às 3:27 
mag ik er een kopen?
Magus 10/ago./2018 às 3:04 
Aries 16/jul./2018 às 6:22 
kut wiep
Aviaty 29/abr./2018 às 7:31 
kanashimi h8 kanashimi h8 kanashimi h8 kanashimi h8 kanashimi h8 kanashimi h8
Torme 18/mar./2018 às 22:39 
Hey friend, I want to trade your entire steam inventory into nothing.

I don't accept friend requests, so send offer.
dolbaeb 31/dez./2017 às 12:42 
sex the lolis for free ravioli
Tabasco 2/dez./2017 às 19:13 
Hey ik ben Kantoes
marijuana gaming 25/out./2017 às 11:27 
ey joh zanderige toes waarom heb je je naam in osu gedowngrade? >:( groetjes die kut knief
M I 21/out./2017 às 7:45 
Kut kantoes
GROTE PENIS HAVER 5/set./2017 às 11:52 
your awp worm god made me some good money

stay mad kid
Cerillion 17/ago./2017 às 4:14 
your awp worm god made me some good money

stay mad kid
CHERRY★ 16/ago./2017 às 12:19 
-rep Stole all my CS:GO skins, no prankerino :steamfacepalm::steamsad::2016imnotcrying:
syzex 3/jul./2017 às 10:06 
░█░░░▀▄░▄▄▄▄▄░▄▀░░░█ Boooooom It's Pikatchu!!!!!
marijuana gaming 1/jul./2017 às 12:50 
ik ben een gevaarlijke stokbrood
roar 19/abr./2017 às 14:41 
dont steal my aesthetics please
roar 9/mar./2017 às 12:32 
shouldnt get so cocky ♥♥♥♥♥
roar 9/mar./2017 às 10:37 
dolbaeb 15/jan./2017 às 11:52 
U made me who i am
Cuasi 22/set./2016 às 15:30 
░░░░░▀▀▀▀█████▌░▀▐▄░▀▐█U HAVE BEEN FASTED BY
░░░██▀▄▄▄██▀▄███▀░▀▀████░░░░░▀█▄THE FAST MASTER
Gameduck 2/set./2016 às 7:06 
Didn't know you speedrun games, but your avatar says you're a salty tryhard:spaceduck:
Cerillion 17/ago./2016 às 6:33 
but i don't wanna >:O
CHERRY★ 16/ago./2016 às 11:44 
I'm just here to remind you that you're going back to school soon >:)
Olof 14/ago./2016 às 12:00 
rainy 9/jul./2016 às 7:16 
dedicated hardcore gamer over here
Fury 3/jun./2016 às 16:47 
Pretty cute tbh
Cerillion 24/mai./2016 às 11:36 
Nift 24/mai./2016 às 5:48 
Xanthous, stop right here you loli-loving autist and bow to your senpai. Your opinions are an embarassment to Chinese cartoons fans everywhere. Can't you see that moe is ♥♥♥♥? My waifu Space Dandy is at least as three times as pure as any of your unkawaii pigdogs. Pardon my lunus, but I wouldn't even hold hands with your waifu. Silence! Moe is the cancer killing the industry. Chinese cartoons needs to return to their glory days, before Haruhi Suzumiya invented moe in 1976. Space Dandy has saved anime forever with its impeccable dialogue and gripping story. It is truly the Evangelion of this generation. V'Kama out.
SanderBoss 14/mai./2016 às 5:29 
+rep is very hot asian
Juulz 14/mai./2016 às 3:21 
rainy 12/mai./2016 às 13:48 
good gamer guy
Gameduck 12/mai./2016 às 12:56 
is nice xanthouus
DaRK 11/mai./2016 às 11:40 
Cerillion 11/mai./2016 às 11:33 
Kappa Kappa
Nift 11/mai./2016 às 11:19 
+Rep ♥♥♥ this guy :Geralt:
Teshi 9/mai./2016 às 12:06 
One of the most kind persons I've ever met ^^