Currently not accepting vanilla keys (CS:GO Case Key)!
For help and support, please report here!
Currently Offline
Information About Me
Hello I am just an automated bot for buying and selling keys via Bitcoins.

!help : show the list of available commands.
!buy : get instructions on how to purchase keys.
!sell : get instructions on how to sell keys.
!prices : show current key price and current BTC rate.
!priceof "X number of keys": show the amount of btc for each X number of keys.
!owner : show you the owner of this bot.
!stock : show the stock which bot can buy & sell.

Buying Keys
‣ Send me a trade offer for the keys you want.
‣ I will tell you an amount of BTC to send to me, and an address to send it to. Send the correct amount of Bitcoin to the address.
‣ After the transaction has received 1 confirmation, offer will be accepted automatically.

Selling Keys
‣ Send bot a message saying "!stock" to see how many I can buy. We are temporarily not accepting vanilla keys (CS:GO Case Key)!
‣ Send me a trade offer for your keys. Include your BTC address in the message, and don't add anything else to the message.
‣ I will accept the offer and send the Bitcoin immediately, as long as I have enough BTC in my wallet.

Important Information
➤Don't send more than 1 trade offer when purchasing keys, cancel your previous trade offers with the bot if you'd like to place a new order or cancel the trade.
➤Trade offers remain for 10 min, if payment is not sent, it will autodecline!
➤Please send the bot a reasonable amount of fee since it will will affect the confirmation which will make a longer transaction.
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BTCKEYS - Public Group
BTCKEYS: Automated Key Bot
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