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Kövesd ezt a felhasználót, hogy láthasd, mikor tesz közzé új Steames útmutatót, hoz létre új gyűjteményeket, vagy tesz közzé elemeket a Steam Műhelyben.

1–9/13 bejegyzés mutatása
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Gmod Tools George's Edition
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
I am legit tired of making these stupid *** collections
Gmod photographer
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
Photography minigame inside gmod (aka using gmod as an image editor) Ragdoll related stuff such as animation and posing is in different collection (dead bodies) Maps are in 2 separate collections Two Corn (18+ corn + unicorn) collections is just random stu
Setpiece/Scenic (cool small maps)
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
Not much exploration but very cool, some are more interactive than the others
Mimple Sosa
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
Translation: Simple Mosa levels
Game modes for little diaper babies
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
*suckle suckle* waaah waaah *drooloololoo* WAAAAAH WAAAAH
Stuff to explore empty maps with
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
I don't play gmod but when I do it's just running around some empty maps for 5 hours
Mods for replaying the last 2 sh***y levels in coop
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
you can play gulman instead
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
Get it? UNI-corn, Because it has both ragdolls, maps and addons merged into one essential? It's an inside joke.
BDSMLP's Cool table-flipping accessories
Gyűjtemény alkotója: George_the_Crab
Because flipping an empty table is not stylish.
Laponként: 9 18 30 
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