Andrew   Arizona, United States
I like anime, ALOT. I also have enjoyed many JRPG, infact they consisted a very large portion of my gaming life up until my friend said "Dude you have to check out the greatest game ever created also known as PORTAL." And so here I am today discovering that not all first person shooters suck.

Update from a year in the future. Thanks to discovering not all FPS suck AND seeing that the RPG was finally getting the support it deserved, I got myself a 360. So if you don't see me gaming here, it's cause I'm gaming there. GT is Bluestreak1987.

My Livejournal (Dead) []
That There Crazy Otaku Blog (mostly dead) []
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Dana Lexa 2012年7月12日 19時13分 
Objective completier. Again.
Dana Lexa 2011年7月2日 20時33分 
Oh look, it's another community objective. Funny that!
Dana Lexa 2010年12月18日 4時58分 
Oh man, did you check out the last period's community objective? It's a pretty cool story, bro. Pretty cool story.