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1 bannissement en jeu enregistré | Infos
2181 jour(s) depuis le dernier bannissement
[KOA] Ooga Booga Man 16 nov. à 15h06 
-rep keeps going afk all the time
㊣ Barashin.gc 22 juil. à 13h35 
-rep leaving game
Pimping Pimp 30 avr. à 23h46 
trashiest type of players, he did that to me twice. i hope i never queue with him again
HaKuNa MaTaTa 30 avr. à 23h46 
leaving game
Pimping Pimp 30 avr. à 23h46 
joins and leaves the game
QuackZ 30 avr. à 16h36 
way to leave the game :steamthumbsdown: