Tiempo de juego de las últimas 2 semanas:

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8 of 28 (29%) logros conseguidos:

Logros personales


You shot 5 targets with 5 shots in the Shooting Range!
Se desbloqueó el 17 SEP a las 10:57

First Blood

You earned your very first trophy!
Se desbloqueó el 11 SEP 2023 a las 21:10


You evacuated from the island with a dinosaur for the first time!
Se desbloqueó el 11 SEP 2023 a las 21:10


You have set up a Trophy Room full of dinosaurs!
Se desbloqueó el 11 SEP 2023 a las 21:10

Sweet Spot

You got a dinosaur with a single shot!
Se desbloqueó el 11 SEP 2023 a las 21:10

Hunting Streak

You played 16 successful hunts in a row!
Se desbloqueó el 17 SEP a las 10:57

Penta Tricker

You have successfully performed a One-Hit takedown on 5 dinosaurs in a single session!
Se desbloqueó el 11 SEP 2023 a las 21:10

Speed runner

You hunted and evacuated a dinosaur in 2 minutes or less!
Se desbloqueó el 11 SEP 2023 a las 21:10


You visited all the islands!

Master Hunter

You got your very first T-Rex!


You got every huntable dinosaur species in the game!


You hunted a dinosaur that was attacking you!


You have successfully earned a trophy from a 200m Rifle shot!

Hunger Gamer

You have successfully performed a One-Hit takedown on 3 eating dinosaurs!

No Time for Rest

You have successfully performed a One-Hit takedown on 3 resting dinosaurs!

Thirsty Hunter

You have successfully performed a One-Hit takedown on 3 drinking dinosaurs!

Back to the Basics

You took down 3 dinosaurs without any helper equipment!

Predator Becomes a Prey

You have successfully performed a One-Hit takedown on 3 carnivores eating other dinosaurs!


You have successfully taken down a carnivore on each island.

Wild, Wild West

You have successfully taken down a carnivore with only a revolver!


You took down a T-Rex on 3 different islands!


You have successfully earned a trophy from a 400m Crossbow shot!


You took down a carnivore in one hit while being unnoticed by any dinosaurs!

One-hit wonder

You One-Hit takedown a carnivore while being unnoticed by it!


You shot all your ammo at living dinosaurs and didn't miss at all!

King of the Island

You successfully took down all dinosaurs on an island in one hunt!

Speedy Huntzales

You took down 3 dinosaurs with 3 shots in under a minute!


You have successfully earned a trophy from a 600m Sniper Rifle shot!