Bruce Willis
Blazey   Germany
Ready or Not
FriedSoybeanCake 1月2日 7時08分 
Super gay person don't be friends with this person, she'll steal all your steam credits, report asap to Gabe Newell please thank you.
yE 2024年11月10日 17時33分 
happy new week:ATRI_caution:
Bruce Willis 2024年5月25日 16時53分 
I can shapeshift into a monkey.
I can easily shapeshift into a monkey.
I can instantly shapeshift into a monkey.
I can safely shapeshift into a monkey.
I can easily shapeshift into my original form.
I can instantly shapeshift into my original form.
I can safely shapeshift into my original form.
I can change my DNA in an instant.
I am always safe when shapeshifting.
My body is always safe when shapeshifting.
My mind is always safe when shapeshifting.
I keep my human color vision in my monkey form.
[11:48 PM]
My body masks my monkey DNA.
I appear completely human when in my human form.
Bruce Willis 2024年5月25日 16時53分 
My body masks my human DNA when in my monkey form.
My spirit masks my primate aura and primate energy signature when I will it.
My body absorbs every nutrient from the food I eat.
I have full control over all of my forms.
I innately know how to shift.
I have full control of my shifts.
I can easily tap into my subconscious mind.
Psychic attacks are near impossible to execute upon me.
My third eye is open wide.
My chakras are safely open, activated and rejuvenated.
Meditation comes easily to me.
I can see and sense within my mind with absolute vividness and clarity as if in real life.
Hypnosis works very well on me.
I can easily break out of hypnosis or mind control at any time.
I have perfect balance on any surface.
I lose any fear of heights.
I lose all fear of heights.
Bruce Willis 2024年5月25日 16時52分 
I lose any fear of darkness.
I lose all fear of darkness.
I lose any fear of the unknown.
I lose all fear of the unknown.
I know when I am in danger and what to do about it.
I am brave, strong and resilient.
I tap into dragon energy to make me a powerful shifter.
I tap into centaur energy to make me intelligent and clever..
I tap into griffin energy to make me brave and resilient.
I am incredibly intelligent.
I am incredibly clever.
I am a powerful shifter.
[11:48 PM]
I can shapeshift at any time.
When I am fully grown, my aging slows down.
My lifespan is safely increased.
My monkey form ages as I do.
My monkey form has the color and pattern I want it to have.
My fur color in my monkey form is rich and deep.
My hair color in my human form is rich and deep.
My monkey form looks exactly like I want it to look.
My monkey form is beautiful.
Bruce Willis 2024年5月25日 16時51分 
My monkey form is extremely fast, strong, agile, and flexible.
My human form is extremely fast, strong, agile, and flexible.
My body is incredibly efficient in all forms to provide safe efficient transformation.
I have boundless, resplendent energy.
I can safely absorb and disperse massive amounts of kinetic energy.
I land softly from falls of any height.
I can easily cling to any surface.
I get stronger every full moon.
Moonlight calms and refreshes me.
I am tireless.
I can safely go days without sleep.
Three hours of sleep is like a full night’s rest for me.
[11:49 PM]
My digestive system safely digests beneficial food and drink at supernatural speeds.
My digestive system intelligently utilizes anything beneficial and safely discards anything harmful.
My digestive system is perfect in health and function.
My digestive system is supernaturally efficient and able to extract maximum nutrition.
I have enhanced senses.
I have perfect vision.
I have perfect hearing.