James O'Brian
яozes 华春莹

:Birds:"People don't change. No matter what you do. The person will always stick to its beliefs, people only improve upon themselves make no mistake, people will feign their improvement and betray their words - Those people haven't improved at all. They are that way because its what they were in the first place. Their personality is determined on whether or not they can withstand the beatings that life has given to them. Therefore, you can say that villain turned good it isn't because the villain has changed... it's because they were good in the first place."- Rozes:Birds:

:2016villain::SleepingValley2::2016villain:~Feel Free To Add~:2016villain::SleepingValley2::2016villain:
76561198340510082 16 ago, ore 7:41 
James O'Brian 31 dic 2019, ore 18:18 
Tenkkk >-< :2016villain:
Kalobee 31 dic 2019, ore 6:29 
Happy New Year my friend
Outside a bag of milk 25 dic 2019, ore 21:32 
Merry Christmas , TOVARISH:E2Sky::E2Sky::E2Sky::E2Sky:
Warrior Fireheart 23 dic 2019, ore 23:01 
Merry christmas. :RedrumRose:
TAIYO11 23 dic 2019, ore 18:02 
Merry Christmas :2019smile: