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Son iki haftada 0.0 saat / kayıtlarda 1,780.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,146.7 saat)
Yayınlanma: 15 Oca 2021 @ 3:18
Güncellenme: 29 Oca 2021 @ 0:24

this game is a fu cking piece of shi t. i hate this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid game. this game is full of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bugs, every single update the devs put out fixing 1000 bugs, they break 1000 other things and add 1000 other bugs, killer hitboxes are the most bugged and broken thing in the game, they hit you a mile across the map, hits that shouldnt have hit keep hitting, spirit still isnt nerfed and she's a monstrosity, trapper still isnt buffed properly, The Twins are an unbalanced OP mess, killer projectiles literally go through walls (huntress hatchets, deathslinger), killers literally VPN to get better ping and screws over us survivors because ♥♥♥♥ happens that shouldnt be happening, survivors can be toxic as well, but that's because they're traumatized from killers being toxic (slugging, camping, tunneling, NOED), the devs never release survivors with good perks (Elodie's perks were TRASH, all 3, usually devs release a survivor with ONE good perk), usually they release killers with trash perks as well, perk meta never changes, devs don't update outdated perks to change the meta, and overall this game is just garbage

so anyways i play this game everyday and i have 1k+ hours on it
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