I realize now that it will take time, that the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go – and I doubt I will live to see it end. But I will travel down it nonetheless.
76561198069070947 8/dez./2017 às 21:38 
生日快乐 :steamhappy:
l3loodNik 3/jun./2013 às 6:24 
[Princess] Anonymoose 3/jun./2013 às 6:14 
good trader, karma +
bl4ckR0s3 26/mai./2013 às 13:55 
dBloome 26/mai./2013 às 7:17 
+rep really fast trader and good person
Daassie 26/mai./2013 às 6:00 
+rep nice trader