เวลาเล่นใน 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา:

8 จาก 27 (30%) รางวัลความสำเร็จที่ได้รับ:

Heavy Handed

Squashed the spider - now it's just yellow goo.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 1: 02pm

Fire Escape

Bravely escaped from a burning room.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 1: 07pm

Borrowed Booze

Used guile and cunning to steal a gendarme's flask of absinth.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 1: 19pm

Dog Dunk

Dunked a pesky dog.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 1: 47pm


Killed by Pablo.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 1: 53pm

Sneaky Sneak

Knocked Pablo into the dock with a low flying barrel.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 1: 55pm

Rescued Nico

Found and rescued Nico in the warehouse.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 2: 04pm

Coyote Stone

Got the ancient Mayan Coyote stone from Lobineau.
ปลดล็อค 28 ก.ย. @ 2: 09pm

Game Completed

Finished the game.
39 / 100

Angry Spider

Incurred deadly wrath of spider.

I Hate Marzipan

Met a talking goat. No, really.

Black Screen of Death

Crashed the general's computer! Oops.

Cat and Worm

Shown a worm to a cat.

Lucky Coal

Found my lucky coal after firing it across sea - that was lucky!

Really Bad Idea

Met Robert Foster from Beneath a Steel Sky.

Bad Timing

Failed to sneak onto a boat, moored on the river Thames.

Meddle No More

Got strangled by Karzac.


Finished game without using any hints.

คงเหลือ 9 รางวัลความสำเร็จลับ
