Angus Jardine   Basingstoke, Reading, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
This is simply an amazing game.

The atmosphere of the game is top notch, all the sounds are so realistic and immersive. Especially when wearing headphones - this is when the voices in Senua's head really come into play, the whispering makes it sound like someone is really behind you and I even turned my head a few times as I thought one of my family members were calling for me, the voices can sometimes really make you flinch with the sounds, some real ASMR going on, they will even help you in combat "Behind you!" as one of the Viking's swing their sword as you dodge. The best part is that you seem to have two different sets of voices the one's who are with you who encourage you "You can do it, you are strong enough! Come on Senua!" and the one's who don't want you to pass "You're not strong enough, you are bleeding just die! Just die!" they will even give you really great hints for taking down enemies! But these two sets of voices add a whole new layer of imerssion as it allows you to get an insight into how Senua feels and how she see's herself as guilty for many people's deaths and that she carries that burden with her at all times.

The combat is also something I have fallen in love with, you can kick, block, parry, dodge, light attack, heavy attack, sprint into attacks, charge up your heavy attack and have a whole new stance where Senua seems for composed as you dodge around with her in that stance. And all of these make for some beautiful variation in combat, especially since you get a sense of Senua's despiration, anger and determination in how she fights. You can also enter a focus mode where it turns slow-motion allowing you to slice up bois and also attack the enemies that are in shadow forms however I prefer not to use it and instead just parry them or charge a heavy attack to get them out of the shadow form, it makes the game more challenging and allows the fights to last longer which I love. But needless to say the combat is SO cinematic, you feel so cool pulling off all these moves whilst using your superior speed to dodge inbetween the enemies.

This game also has some really amazing boss fights, they all feel sufficently difficult whilst all being really fun to fight and each having their own really different dynamic that keeps the game fresh.

(The photo-mode is also really great, allowing you to take some beautifully emotion enducing shots)

The voice acting of this game is wonderful, every voice is top-notch and they all add to the immersion of the game, each line allows you to get a sense of the characters wants, needs, dislikes and likes and also an insight into their past.

The "rot" was also a nice suprise, where in the game whenever you die the rot consumes more of your body, and if it reaches your head your quest fails and you lose all progress. A nice little rogue-like feature that adds to the intense nature of the game, making every battle feel dangerous rather than "Oh I can just die and try again" it gives you the same determination to win that Senua has.

I had so much more to talk about but in my preachings I seem to have lost track. Long story short I really recommend this game to everyone! It's easily taken number 1 spot on my favorite games and I'm going to be replaying it again and again it was just such a blast and so worth the £24.99 I paid for it.
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Jaklin 18 Aug @ 10:06am 
+rep solid slapper and knows his stuff i trust this life with my guy
thebigbog 18 Aug @ 5:59am 
+rep this guy knows his stuff I trust this guy with my life
Loftus™ 1 Aug @ 7:59am 
+REP Solid Trapper even though there was a hacker in the game! - Lara
G59 20 May @ 6:27pm 
+rep. traps so good he falls for them. very smart trapper wp
unloving 20 May @ 5:22pm 
+rep stronk trapper
thebigbog 30 Sep, 2023 @ 7:37am 
Baby man baby man in his baby van. Get a hold of yourself man.